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6 May 2006


Nahkomi, Nahkoomer, Nakomin, Nakkomin, Nakoomer, Nahquenon, Natcoming, Neachcoming, Neacoming, Nicoman. He is probably also the same person as Neconhcon/Necohecond/Nequonhequon

A Signer of the 26 October 1832 treaty between the United States and the Delaware and Shawnee at Castor Hill, St. Louis County, Missouri as a chief,  under which he received a $100 annuity.  (Kappler,  Vol. II, p. 372) A Delegate to the 8 November 1833 treaty between several tribes at Fort Leavenworth [Kansas]. (Barry, The Beginning of the West, p. 251) One of "some prominent men among the Delaware Indians in what is now in Leavenworth County [KS] [in 1844]" (Remsburg*) A Signer of the 7 June 1803 Treaty with the United States at Fort Wayne on the Miami of the Lake, Indiana Territory, as a Chief or Warrior of the Delaware Nation. (Kappler, Treaties, Vol. II, p. 65), a Signer of the 21 August 1805 Treaty with the United States at Grouseland near Vincennes, Indiana Territory as a Sachem, Chief, or Head Man of the Delaware Tribe (Ibid., p. 81 ), and of the 21 August 1805 Treaty with the United States at Grouseland near Vincennes, Indiana Territory as a Sachem, Chief, or Head Man of the Delaware Tribe (Ibid., p. 81 ), . and a Signer as a Chief of the Delaware at the 14 December ____ Agreement Between the Delaware and the Wyandot in Present Kansas. (Ibid., p. 1048). He died on 1 March 1848 on the Kansas Delaware Reserve.  (Ibid., p. 1737) He was the Principal Chief before Captain Ketchum. (Undocumented)  Editor.]

A Signer (Neachcoming) of the 22 July 1814 Treaty with the United States at Greenville, Ohio as a Head Man, Chief, or Warrior of the Delaware Tribe. (Kappler, Treaties, Vol. II, p. 106)

Neconhcon/Necohecond/Nequonhequon - English name, Bounding Ahead, one of "some prominent men among the Delaware Indians in what is now Leavenworth County [KS] [in 1844]." (Remsburg), a Signer as a Delegate of the Delaware to the 6 May 1854 Treaty between the United States and the Delaware at Washington. (Kappler, Treaties, Vol. II, p. 618),  a Signer of the 30 May 1860 Treaty with the United States at Sarcoxieville, Delaware Reservation [Kansas], as an Assistant Chief and as Chief of the Wolf Band of the Delaware Tribe (Ibid., p. 807), and, a Signer of the 2 July 1861 Treaty with the United States at Fort Leavenworth [Kansas] as the  Chief of the Wolf Band. (Ibid., p. 823) Neconhecond replaced Secondine as chief of the Wolf Band in October 1853. He died in May 1863.(Undocumented)

 The following is from

Among the Delawares was a chief, who bade fair to equal in fame, the most distinguished of his predecessors. Not many moons before, Ni-co-man had awakened from a dream of conquest and beheld, in the pale light, a shadowy figure wrapped in a blanket of snowy white. Its bony finger motioned the chief to arise and follow. Mechanically, like one asleep, he obeyed the phantom warrior, the strange chill that crept over him increasing with each step. On they went, beyond the confines of the village, toward one of the highest points along the river that shone like silver with reflected brightness. Pausing upon a spot from where the undulating prairie could be seen, reaching for miles to westward, the spirit chief stretched out a ghostly arm and addressed the awe-struck leader.

"Go thou, Ni-co-man, noblest of thy people, and lead them on to glory. Take all thy bravest warriors. Journey west; there shalt thou find upon the distant plains, our enemies, the Sioux. Rest not until thou hast avenged my death, for by their hands was I, thy father's father, slain."  Slowly he vanished, and Ni-co-man, pondering over these words, returned to his abode. Thenceforward he agitated the question of an advance, with full assurance of meeting and overcoming the murderous Sioux.

Around the council-fire were plans perfected. The pipe of peace was passed from hand to hand. Old men led the discussion while their juniors listened in silent respect. When all the wiser heads had given advice, the youthful braves, in turn, expressed opinions. The latter being unanimously in favor of adopting extreme measures, the council of Ni-co-man prevailed; and having completed arrangements, the flower of the nation, mounted upon mettlesome ponies, went forth, as did the challengers of old, to seek renown.

Over the rolling prairies, the tall grass waving in the sunlight, rode the dusky knights, heavy war-paint giving greater fierceness to faces already glowing with excitement. The second day, a long distance from the starting place, they stopped at night beside a flowing stream. The tired ponies, relieved of their burdens, were turned out to graze, a guard being stationed nearby. After a meal of savory buffalo meat, and a quiet smoke around the camp-fire, the Delawares, drawing their blankets over their heads, threw themselves upon the ground and were soon wrapped in profound slumber.

At early dawn, ere they had proceeded many leagues, a fresh breeze started from the Southwest, and close to the horizon a faint rose color tinged the sky. This suddenly changed to a lurid hue, as a sheet of flame, accompanied by volumes of smoke, swept rapidly toward them. "Fly! Tun-dahe Wel-seet-num-et (The God of Fire)!" shouted the Indians, as, turning on the trail, they lashed the horses to the highest possible speed, while the fire made steady headway.      On rushed the fugitives, bending every energy to reach the water; but the breath of the Fire God was at their shoulders. Then the hardy little ponies made a final heroic dash and landed in the creek -- safe, all but one. As the terrible cloud passed swiftly over the half suffocated band, they saw the angry spirit in the great, dark, curling chariot, bend low and smite their comrade; and when the seething whirlwind had gone by, he lay, face down, a lifeless heap, upon the blackened cinders. A hasty burial, with few of the usual ceremonies, and the party was traversing the now desolate region, in the direction of the far-away mountains.

They entered what the white man calls the Great American Desert. A level country the short-grass district, extended as far as the eye could see on every side. Its monotony was broken by an occasional "draw," where wandering tribes often found refuge in defeat, or lay in ambush, ready to spring out at the approach of foes. These draws were caused by erosion, and may have been the beds of rivers, long since dried up. The plains were dotted with wild flowers, for in Kansas each weed, at some season of the year, bursts forth in all the glory of rich or delicate blossoms. The fall had brought its wealth of gold and purple, and the buffalo grass, more nutritious when "cured" by the sun and hot winds of Summer, had turned to a rich brown, the ruling note of color. Birds, and even the prairie dogs, barking and chattering at the entrances to their underground towns, conformed to the prevailing tint.

The "Loco" weed had gone to seed, and the Indians, well knowing its dangerous properties, kept their horses, while grazing, away from the plant, which is said to cause animals to become "locoed," or insane. A similar effect is produced on human beings, by the use of certain herbs compounded by the medicine men. Winding through the sandy territory, was the Arkansas River, in the autumn a seemingly harmless layer of reddish brown soil with apparently stagnant water here and there upon its surface. Underneath the quick-sand flowed a deep stream, promising certain death to him who essayed to cross with any but the lightest of vehicles.

The travelers had reached the heart of the buffalo country, and all abundance of game was found on every hand. A buffalo hunt, according to an Indian's views, was second only to victorious battle, therefore Ni-co-man called a halt and the entire company joined in a grand slaughter. The hunters, familiar with the habits of the animals, first arranged themselves in groups in one of the draws, at the foot of a steep embankment or precipice, taking care to be well sheltered. Then a warrior, grotesquely arrayed, and astride a strangely caparisoned steed, galloped toward the herd, frantically waving a bright-hued blanket. The leader, an immense creature, scented danger and took his stand in front of the rest. However, curiosity, which is one of the characteristics of the buffalo, prompted him to draw cautiously nearer the queer figure. The herd followed. Gradually the decoy backed toward the precipice, still gesticulating violently.

At last, the animals, thoroughly frightened, stampeded, accelerating speed as they approached the embankment, over which they rolled and tumbled in the mad effort to escape. Those not injured in the fall, recovered their feet and dashed away to the opposite slope, being easily shot in attempting the toilsome ascent. Thus, the majority were at the mercy of the red men.

The wanton destruction of these beasts at the hands of both Indians and white men is to be deplored. Where, two score years ago, thousands roamed the plains, now nothing remains to prove their having existed save slight depressions in the earth called "wallows," and large numbers of horns, scattered over the ranches. Once in a while the buffalo ring may he seen, still barren of grass. Here the ever watchful sentinel had tramped around and around in a circle. A feast succeeded the favorable termination of the hunt. Only the finest portions of the meat, which resembles beef in flavor, were reserved as food. Tongues were considered a great delicacy. Up to this time, a few straggling Comanches and Arapahoes were observed, but as yet no traces of the Sioux appeared. Ni-co-man, remembering his vision, still had faith that here, upon the plains, would the enemy be vanquished.

Early one morning a scout came in with the news that, far to the north, a stray band of Sioux had encamped the previous night. In a moment all was excitement. As soon as possible the entire cavalcade, well armed and ready for the fray, was galloping in the direction indicated. At sunset the Delawares halted for rest and food, waiting for darkness to make an attack. But the enemy, too, were watchful; and knowing the presence of danger almost by intuition, had prepared for encounters. They were in a deep cut, not easily accessible. Where the natural defenses are limited, the natives learn to take advantage of every means of protection. Piling up large masses of hard earth, that had fallen from one portion of the crumbling bank, they had built a rude fortification, which extended entirely across the entrance. In the rear was a narrow pass, with a steep acclivity on either side. Guards were stationed here and on the highest ridges. These gave the alarm as the Delawares, in three divisions, came silently forward at midnight.

Ni-co-man sent a detachment of good marksmen to the top of the embankment overlooking the Sioux, the second was despatched to the rear to force a way through the narrow passage, while he boldly led the remainder to attempt the low earthworks at the entrance. The war-cry of the Lenape now filled the air. The Sioux, crouching behind the fort and before the opening at the hack of the camp, fought savagely. Occasionally marksmen on the elevation picked off one of their men, though it was a somewhat difficult task in the semi-darkness.

Ni-co-man, being taller than his companions, and always at the front, was a welcome target for his wild opponents. Again and again a shadowy figure intervened as the bullets sped toward him. He bore, in truth, a charmed life. As the moon passed under a cloud, for the elements were preparing for a conflict, the Delawares rushed forward, climbing recklessly over the heaps of hardened earth, scattering great lumps right and left. Some of the braves fell, mortally wounded -- some pressed upon the retreating Sioux, who found themselves in a trap. The shadowy figure, invisible to all but the chief, was ever present, hewing down the enemy with his great tomahawk. The sun rose upon a frightful scene. The carnage was over, but ghastly upturned faces, smeared with war-paint and distorted with terror, even in death, told the tale of the night's work. Ere long it sought retirement, and the day grew dark. Ni-co-man gazed at the heavens in wonder. Did the Great Spirit manifest displeasure? A storm followed. Lightning flashed and the ground seemed to shake with thunder. Rain fell in torrents, a most unusual occurrence in that locality. When the atmosphere had cleared, and the drenched warriors again beheld the battle-field, lo! all blood was washed away. The Great Spirit had stamped with approval the triumph of his chosen people, the Lenape

NONONDAGON--English name, The Call.

Chief Nonondagon
(Old Gooday Gum Company Card)


        Text on the back of the Card

        (Collection of Thomas Swiftwater Hahn~~~)



PATIACOW, "Grandma" - "Grandma" Patiacow  was born in 1817 and she died in 1924. At the time of her death, at 107-years old, she was the oldest living Indian in the State of Oklahoma. She was seven--years old at the time of the great meteoric disturbance which occurred years ago. During the terrifying days of the Civil War, she  rode her pony from Texas to Kansas, taking her son with her. They rode by night and they hid out by day in order to escape the soldiers she believed to be after her. "Grandma, as she was known, and as she is memorialized on her gravestone, lived alone near the Sand Creek bluffs, and received her allotment there. Her Dawes Roll Number was D36. Grandma Patiacow traded the beadwork she made for groceries. Her friends attributed her long life to her method of living close to nature. She was her own doctor and made her medicines from herbs she gather in the woods near her home. She was interred at the White Rose Cemetery located at Eleventh and Virginia Streets, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, in Site 06, Lot Ed, Block 3. (Submitted by Jackie Brown  jacbrown@mail.uflib.ufl.edu  ) According to her obituary, she died at the home of her grand daughter, Mrs. Davis, five miles south of Bartlesville [Oklahoma], and she was buried in the White Rose Cemetery. "Deceased formerly lived across Sand Creek near the bluffs and in the vicinity of what was known as Patiaco Lake which was on the property...March 12, 1924.

    "Grandma" Patiachow at Age 50. (Photo taken in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Provided by Jackie Brown)

SWISHER,  Ellen - See ZEIGLER, Ellen .


She was also known as Melinda Wilcoxen and Melinda Statler. (Kansas Delaware) [Needs revision. Editor] The Lenape name of Melinda Wilcoxen was Talaockwe. She was born in the spring of 1830, near White Church (now Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas and died 15 January 1911 in Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas. Her mother was Aquamdegaockwe or Aupahmundaqua, English name Nancy.  Talaockwe married 1854 Rezin Wilcoxen, a white man from Virginia. Rezin was married earlier to Sabilla Caleb, whom see in the Biographies. Talaockwe went to the Shawnee Mission School at the age of ten and lived with her teachers, Reverend and Mrs. Melinda Statler. She took the name Melinda Statler as her own. She was on the List of  Delaware Who Elected to Remain in Kansas as No. 173, age 36  under the 1862 Allotment, along with her children (Kansas Delaware) No. 174 Lucinda Wilcoxen, age 14 and (Kansas Delaware) Emmet Wilcoxen, age 1. Lucinda married James L. Buckland. They resided in Wyandotte, County as farmers. Rezin and Melinda also had a son, (Kansas Delaware) Oscar Buckland and a daughter (Kansas Delaware) Leanora Buckland, born 23 February 1868, who died 22 December 1884.
In Perl Morgan, History of Wyandotte County, published in 1911, Melinda Wilcoxen is quoted as saying:

I was born a few miles south of White Church, some time in 1830. I never knew the month or the day. My mother's name was Aquam-da-ge-ockwe. My father was killed during a hunt two months before my birth. When I was about ten years old the government agents started me in a school near where Stony Point now is. Father Stateler was the teacher, but I did not learn much English. In 1851 I was married to Rezin Wilcoxsen, a West Virginian, who ran a store for the American Fur Company at Secondine, now called Muncie, Kansas. The Delawares were very much opposed to intermarrying with the whites, but my aunt and two of my cousins [considered to be Wilaquenaho and Anna and Rosanna Marshall. Editor] had married white men and my mother couldn't object much. The chief of the tribe, Captain Ketchum, was a brother of my grandmother, Eche-lango-na-ockwe. His Indian name was Tah-lee-a-ockwe, and signified to 'grab them' or 'catch them' and the whites called him 'Ketchum.' I had no brothers or sisters, but had six half brothers, and three half sisters.

I was happy with my white husband until a year or two after we were married, when the government moved the Delawares to the Indian Territory. All of my friends and loved ones went away then, and I was sad and cried many days. I wanted to go too, but I had to stay with my husband. Finally, however, I became contented and my husband used to send me on frequent visits to my people in the territory. We owned a farm near Secondine, but when the survey of lands of the Wyandot Indians was made, in 1866, it was found that we were on their land, and we moved north and settled in our present home in 1867.

We built our home in the early '80s, and here we raised our children. We had five children. My husband died in 1890, and now all of my children are married, or dead, and I am left alone.

Perl Morgan continued by saying: 

While Mrs. Wilcoxen spoke English fluently, she constantly deplored the fact that no one is left who speaks her language. She did not teach her children Delaware, because she said she thought as all her people had moved away, they would have no use for it. For almost all of their lives Mrs. Wilcoxen and her cousin, (Kansas Delaware) Kate Grinter [Frances Catherine Grinter, died 1908], a quarter blood Delaware Indian who died three years ago, attended the South Methodist church at White Church. The Sunday school children used to stand around in interested groups and listen to them converse in their beautiful Delaware tongue. But after Kate was gone Mrs. Wilcoxen had to croon to herself the accents of her 'dead' language. She used to go too into Kansas City, Kansas, to the home of Mrs. William Honeywell, a widow living at 1925 Hallock street, and talk with her in the Delaware tongue. But Mrs. Honeywell became deaf and could no longer converse.
(This and other interesting articles concerning the Lenape-Delaware in Kansas article can be found at:

An article in the [Kansas City?] Gazette Globe, dated 16 January 1911, p. 4, said

Mrs. Melinda Wilcoxen, the last full-blood Delaware Iner Grandfather, known as Captain James Ketchum, was not only the head chief of the Delawares, but was a missionary among his people. His wife, "EcheLangoNaOckwe" was the daughter of a chief. Mrs. Wilcoxon's [sic] was also a chief and her mother was AquamDeGeOckwe (also known as AuPahMunDaQua). Her father was killed while hunting two months before Mrs. Wilcoxen was born. In 1851 she became married. [This conflicts with other information that said she was married in 1854.] A son, Oscar [Wilcoxen], and a daughter, Mrs. Buckland, both of whom live near White Church, survive Mrs. Wilcoxen. Another son, Emmett [Wilcoxen] died about a year ago. Funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock at the Grinter Chapel, near White Church. Burial will be at the Grinter Chapel.

dian in Wyandotte county and the last person who could speak the Delaware language, died yesterday at her home in White Church, seven miles west of Kansas City, Kansas. For years she had been known in the neighborhood as "Grandma Wilcoxen" and not even she herself knew her exact age, although it is believed to be about 82 years. Her husband, Rezin, was known at one time to be one of the wealthiest men in Wyandotte county, having owned more than a thousand acres of land, now valued at several hundred dollars per acre.

Mrs. Wilcoxen was born on the site of what is now the town of Muncie, Kansas. H

[There are some discrepancies in these articles. Editor.]

This item is in the Bartlesville, Oklahoma Library:

F#2 Anderson-Secondine File #4 page 44
Her son Emmett Wilcoxen
Great niece of Chief Ketchum. Grandmother was a sister to the Chief. Cousin to Mrs. Honeywell. Mother's name was  Aquam da ge ockwe. Grandmother's name was Eche lango na ockwe #133 F5 ?? Kate Grinter, a cousin (Grinter House, Kansas City) see F#2 Delaware, #10 pg. 11, IBID #4 pg 45
Daughter of Aquam da ge ockwe who was a daughter to Echelango-na-ockwe, a sister of chief Ketchum, Tah--lee-ockwe and Lewis Ketchum. Malinda was a cousin to Kate Grinter and a friend to Mrs. Bill Honeywell (Hunnewell) F#2 Delaware F#1#4.
RAGENA WILCOXIN, buried White Church Kansas, was the first interpreter for the white missionaries.

TAYLOR, Elizabeth "Betsy" [Needs link. Editor] --This family history is still being entered and has not been checked for typos, etc. as yet. This entry also covers the Zeigler Family. The two will be separated at some point. Use with caution while we are working on this family. In any event, there are some discrepancies, mostly minor, in two versions of the Taylor/Zeigler Family Histories we are using. We are attempting to reconcile them. The histories that we are using are both entitled, "Zeigler Family History." One was submitted by Virginia Lee Zeigler-Webb-Miller to Kansas Delaware Wanda Weeks many years ago. The other, prepared by Ruby Abbott, was submitted by John Zeigler recently with the permission of his father, Jimmy D. Zeigler. I am attempting to "meld" the two into one version. When there is a discrepancy between the two, I will give both versions. If the discrepancy is from Abbott, I will cite the datum in question as it differs from the  Lee-Zeigler-Webb earlier submission. We encourage anyone with different information to help us ensure that we present a correct record. It should be noted that neither history cites the references for any information used. We will provide citations when they become available. As noted elsewhere, this is a research site. As such, our policy is to provide all "reasonable" information as leads for those working on family history. Having said so, it is then particularly important that the information not be used or passed along as "gospel." This is contrary to my training as a professional historian, but I believe that Native American research depends heavily on oral and family histories. Your cooperation is required to make it work for all of us. Editor.

According to family history, Betsy Taylor was born 1812 or 1813 in Delaware and her father, R. C. Taylor, was born ca. 1790-1798 in Pennsylvania. We are particularly interested in verifying the State of Delaware and Lenape-Delaware roots of the Taylors. R. C. Taylor operated a sawmill near Leavenworth ca. 1840-1850. We do not know the family name of her  mother, but it appears that she was also named Betsy.  We know that the Betsy Taylor who married Phillip Zeigler was a Lenape Delaware, as she appears on the listing of those Delaware who chose to remain in Kansas in 1966. She and Phillip married, possibly in 1825 in Missouri. He  was born ca. 1805, possibly in Pennsylvania. Betsy was on a small list of names of the charter members of the first Delaware Church formed in 1841. [Presumably the White Church" in present, Kansas City, Kansas. Editor] Phillip died between 1866 and 1860. We are also interested in the early history of the Zeiglers. Betsy Taylor died in October 1867 and was  buried in the Delaware Cemetery at Eudora, east of Lawrence, in Douglas County, Kansas. (See Cemeteries for details of  the cemetery and of the persons buried therein. Submission of Descendant John Zeigler who notes that there is a Phillip Ziegler in the LDS Church Records of a Phillip Ziegler born 25 July 1804 in Rehrersburg, Berks Co., Pennsylvania. John's submission is based primarily on "Zeigler History" by Ruby Abbott.)  Betsy had 1862 Allotment #134, Dawes Commission #32530, and 1904 Cherokee Census #10428. Although Betsy Taylor Zeigler was on the list of those who elected to remain in Kansas, she moved to Indian Territory (present Oklahoma) sometime after 1867.
The children of Elizabeth (Taylor) Ziegler as listed in the List of Delaware Who Elected to Remain in Kansas (with their 1862 Allotment Numbers and ages at that time) are: #135 Henry Zigler, age 17 and #136 Charles Zigler, age 14.
[The name "Zeigler, now preferred by the family, was variously spelled in the records as Zigler, Zeigler, and Ziegler. We will use the family preference Ziegler unless the record cited shows a different spelling. In Germany, the name is usually spelled Ziegler, which gives us the "ee" pronunciation of the name. Editor].

Betsy Taylor and Philip Zigler had seven children. The first four were born in Missouri, the last three in Kansas:
1.  Logan Zeigler was born 3 April 1826 in St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri [Charles Gleed, ed., Kansas Memorial, A Report of the Old Settlers' Meeting Held at Bismark Grove, Kansas, September 15th and 16th, 1879. Kansas City, 1879, p. 255, says that he was born in Stone Co., MO. and that he was the oldest inhabitant of Leavenworth County at that time. Logan died 19 December 1895. He married in 1860 [ca.1855, Abbott, p. 1] Sophia Schulze [also spelled as Schultz, [Ibid., p. 1). She was born 22 September 1834 in Neu Langsow, East Prussia, [Germany] and died 5 April 1925. They are buried in the Delaware Cemetery at Eudora, Kansas. Logan and Sophia became U.S. Citizens in 1870 (Ibid., p. 2). Logan and Sophia Zeigler's family were born and raised in the Fall Leaf area of Leavenworth County, Kansas. They all had land allotments from the Delaware Treaty  of 1862 with the U.S. Government for their farms. All of them remained in the area, except John, who moved south with his family to Coffeyville, Kansas in the early 1900s. Emily Zeigler never married and stayed on with her mother.      
Logan and Sophia had five children: 
  (1) Barbara Zeigler was born 1856 and died before 1866. She was buried in the Delaware Cemetery at Eudora, Kansas.
  (2) John Johnson Zeigler was born in Big Stranger, Leavenworth County, Kansas on 22 August 1862. He married 6 June 1885 [6 May 1858, Ibid.,] at Lawrence, Kansas [Fall Leaf, Kansas], Ibid.] Emma Caroline Warren born 27 March 1864 [24 March 1864, Ibid.] at Grain Valley, Missouri . She died  5 February 1932 in Coffeyville and was buried there. Emma was the daughter of Thomas Warren and Mary Catherine Perkins.). John became a citizen of the United States in 1870. John died 21 January 1952 and was buried in Coffeyville, Kansas.  John and Emma had eight children:
    1. Ida M. Zeigler born 6 July 1887 at Fall Leaf, Kansas, died 25 December 1959, married 4 April 1907 [15 April, Ibid., p. 3] at Lawrence, Kansas Fred M.  Merrel, born 1850. They had one child. They divorced and she married 11 February 1911 at Independence, Kansas,  Deskin D. Day, who was born 17 September 1875 and who  died 17 February 1961). Cora and Deskin had no children.
     2. Cora Alice (or Ellen) Zeigler, born 1 May 1889 [6 November 1889, Ibid.] , died 1903 in a flood [1902, Ibid., p. 2].
    3. Henry Earl Zeigler (Ibid., p. 2, has "Rose" after his name), born 6 September 1891 [Ibid., 1890, p. 2], died 17 November 1967, married 4 July 1914 at Nowata, Oklahoma, Lucy Hedrick. They divorced. Henry Earl died in Coffeyville, Kansas and was buried in the Fairview Cemetery there. They had one child,  Vernon C. Zeigler born 17 July 1915, died 9 March 1977 had three children. Henry and Lucy divorced and she died February 1939.
    4. Logan Walter Zeigler,  born 11 December 1893, died 14 June 1920, married 9 February 1914 Estella Cotton born 23 June 1891, died 20 June 1979. They had a daughter, Pearl Oliver Zeigler born 26 April 1917, died 28 July 1990, married 1 May 1948 Hazel May Faulkner , no children.
    5. Mary Hattie Zeigler was born 5 September 1896 [1897, Ibid., p. 3) at Fall Leaf, Kansas and died 28 December 1978.  She married  7 February 1918 at Nowata, Oklahoma, Alfred Vernon "Vernie" Forth. He was born 1 October 1896 and died 6 October 1936. She married first on 2 July 1918 [7 February, Ibid.] at Nowata, Oklahoma. He was born 1 October 1896 and died 6 October 1936 at the Veterans Hospital at Lawrence, Kansas. They had no children. She married second on 18 June 1938 [1940, Ibid.] Leo Edward Gaughan (born 16 July 1909, died 1 June 1977. They had no children.
    6. Richard "Dick" (Ibid., p. 9) Arthur Zeigler born 27 October 1898 [1899, Ibid.] at Fall Leaf, Leavenworth County, Kansas, died 4 August 1952, buried in the Fairview Cemetery at Coffeyville, Kansas, married 3 April 1923 at Nowata, Oklahoma, Maude Faye Debo, born 16 August 1901, the daughter of John Ranson Debo and Luellen Brown. She was born in Elk City, Kansas, the daughter of John Ranson Debo and Luellen Brown. They had  12 children: Emma Luellan Zeigler, Virginia Lee Zeigler, Lionel Leon Zeigler, John Darrel Zeigler, Chester Vernon Zeigler, Pinkston Richard Zeigler, Philip Eugene Zeigler, Ronald Gene Zeigler, Donald Dean Zeigler, Lloyd Dale Zeigler, Floyd Gail Zeigler, and Caroline Faye Zeigler
    7. Mamie Cornelia Zeigler, born 24 April 1902, died 14 June 1965, married 1 on 7 October 1918 Lawrence Ramsey, divorced, married 2 on 1 February 1923 Walter Harrington born 24  September 1895, died 24 November 1964. They had four children: Marie RamseyCharles Leroy Harrington, Onita Maxine Harrington, and Walter Jerold Harrington.
    8. John Edward Zeigler, born 24 November 1904 (1905, Abbott, p. 3), died 7 August 1968, married 18 November 1922 Dorothy Fitzsimmons born 4 January 1905, died 21 March 1988. They had
six children: Madelene L. Zeigler, Travis E. Zeigler, Dorothy Lee Zeigler, Donald R. Zeigler, Jimmie D. Ziegler, and Phyllis E. Zeigler.
  (3) Emily "Emma" Zeigler born 7 August 1864 and died 4 June 1922 [14 June, Abbott, p. 36]. She never married. She was buried in the Delaware Cemetery near Eudora, Kansas.)
  (4) Martha Zeigler was born probably 1865 and died before 1866.
  (5) Charles Herbert Zeigler was born 8 December 1867 at Fall Leaf, Kansas. He was called Joseph Charles, Charlie, and Charley. Charles became a citizen of the United States in 1870. On 26 November 1896 he married at Lawrence, Kansas Daisy Deaver. She was born in March 1875 at Fall Leaf, Kansas. They divorced. He married second on 3 April 1901 Margaret Shaffer (born 29 December 1880 whom he later divorced. He  died 15 April 1945 and was buried in the Delaware Cemetery at Eudora, Kansas. He and Daisy had one child:
    1. Charles H. Zeigler born 1897, died in Kansas at a very young age.
Charles Herbert Zeigler married second Margaret "Maggie" A. Shaffer on 23 April 1901 at Lawrence, Kansas. She was born 29 December 1880 at Eudora, Kansas. Their children were:
Florence Margaret Zeigler.
    3. Leroy Logan " "Chief" Zeigler.
    4. Walter Marion Zeigler.

  (6)  Mary Sophia Zeigler born 26 January 1873 [1878 according to Ibid., pp. 2, 46], died 1 October 1923 [10 October 1923 according to Abbott, p. 2], married 18 April 1894 Henry Karl Koerner (born 22 November 1866, died 12 April 1925). All of Mary Sophia and Henry Carl's children were born in Fall Leaf, Kansas. The three sons were buried in the Delaware Cemetery at Eudora, Kansas. All three sons were single. They had six children:
    1. Arthur L. Koerner born 1 March 1895, died 13 February 1968.
    2. Homer A. Koerner born 18 April 1897, died 10 July 1929.
    3. Carl Koerner born 28 October 1900, died 11 September 1975.
    4. Alice Koerner born 28 June 1902.
    5. Edmund Koerner born November 1908.
    6. Louie Koerner born 28 June 1911.
2.  ZEIGLER, Elizabeth "Betsy" was  born in November 1834 [November 1835 in Missouri, Abbott, pp. 1, 49] and died  in 1913. She had 1862 Allotment #156.  She  married Louis/ Lewis Ketchum  who was born October 1808 in Indiana, died 28 March 1904, and was previously married to an Indian, Lucy French, in 1837. All of the Ketchum children were born in White Church, Kansas [present day Kansas City, Kansas]. Elizabeth and Lewis died and were buried in Ketchum, Oklahoma in the front yard of the Ketchum home place. Their seven children. with 1862 Allotment Numbers and ages based on that year:
  (1) #157 Mary Louise  Ketchum at age 20. She was born 1846 [1847, Ibid., p. 50], died 1 April 1928 [4 April, Ibid., p. 50], married Joseph Thatcher. Daughter:  
Sarah Elizabeth Ketchum.
       (2)  #158 Jane Ketchum at age 17. She was born 1849, died 8 September 1881, married Robert O'Donnell born 1830, died 1909. They had two children: Louis O'Donnell and Mary Ellen O'Donnell. 
       (3) #159 Barbara Ketchum at age 16. She was born 1850 [1851, Ibid. p. 50], died January 1894, married John K. Evans, two children:
    1. Elizabeth Evan
    2. John K. Evans, Jr.
      (4) #160 Simon W. Ketchum at age 12. He was born 27 February 1855, died 2 March 1894, married 5 October 1879 Emmaline Turner, born 26 November 1858, died 13 December 1948. Five children:
    1. Louis E. Ketchum
    2. Prudence Ketchum
    3. Maude Ketchum
    4. Samuel Ketchum
    5. Olive Elizabeth Ketchum
    (5)  #161 Silas Ketchum at age 10. He was born 12 January 1857, died 2 December 1901, married Cora Neville. Four children:
         1. Myrtle Ketchum
         2. George Ketchum
         3. Samuel Ketchum 
         4. Frank Ketchum
    (6) #162 Lucinda Ketchum at age 8. He was born 1858, died 3 September 1876.
    (7) #163 Solomon Ketchum was born 27 January 1861, died 1945, married Anna Couch born April 1870, five children:
         1. Charles Ketchum
         2. James Solomon Ketchum
         3. John Ketchum
         4. Roy Ketchum
    5. Bruce Ketchum
  (8) Hatty Ann Ketchum was born 1868 at White Church, Wyandotte County, Kansas.

 3.  Harriet Zeigler was born in 1838 in Missouri and died 1898. She married Samuel Moses Smith, born 1829, died 1898. Harriet and Samuel incorporated into the Cherokee Tribe 16 April 1867. They had two children:
  (1.) George F. Smith born 1863, married Laura Coones  born 1870, five children:
       1. William B. Smith
       2. Mark F. Smith
       3. Ethel Smith
      4. Thomas Smith
      5. Arthur O. Smith

(Abbott, p. 71, notes that "The whole family went by the name of Moses until after 1880 when the whole family changed their name to Smith")

 4.  Ellen Zeigler was born March 1840, somewhere in Missouri  She died 28 July 1911 at Fall Leaf, Kansas and was buried in the Delaware Cemetery at Eudora, Kansas. Ellen married Samuel " Sam" S. Swisher born 1829 [1835, Abbott, p. 72] in Virginia, the son of H. Swisher and Ruth _____. He died December 1869 at Fall Leaf, Kansas and was buried in the Delaware Cemetery at Eudora, Kansas. Ellen then married Michael Ritzinger. Ellen and Sam Swisher had ten children, all born at Linwood, Leavenworth County, Kansas.:
  (1) Mary Francis Swisher was born 19 October 1857, died 31 August 1943 Humansville, Missouri, and was buried in the Delaware Cemetery at Eudora, Kansas. She married on 31 May 1875 Jonathan" Jock" Mathews born 15 December 1857 at Lawrence, Douglas County , died 11 February [December, Ibid.,] 1928 at Lawrence, Kansas, and was buried in the Delaware Cemetery at Eudora, Kansas.  He was the son of Jonathan William Mathews and Martha Elizabeth Lash. They had eleven children:
      1. Clarence A. Mathews born 1876, died in infancy.
      2. Clara Elizabeth Mathews born 18 November 1879, died 29 June 1961.
      3. N. Mathews Albert [
?] born 1880, died in the 1903 Flood at Lawrence, Kansas.
      4. Stella Mae Mathews born 11 October 1884, died 13 November 1973.
      5. Rosa "Rose" Mathews born 9 June 1886, died 30 March 1925.
      6. Lydia Myrtle Mathews born 24 April 1889, died 18 August.
      7. Nora [Norm, Abbott, p. 73] Julia Mathews born 27 July 1892.
      8. Minnie Mathews  born 19 February 189_, died 29 May, 1960.
      9.  Rene Mathews
    Four children died in infancy.
  (2) James Henry Swisher born October 1861 [September 1862, Ibid., p. 72], married Mary M. _______. Both died after 1880 and before 1900.  Child:
      1.  John William Jasper Swisher born 1887 married on 3 July 1906 in Lawrence, Kansas, Nolla Mav Kennedy. After James Henry Swisher died, his wife married James Leger.
  (3) John "Jack"  S. Swisher born 23 September 1863, died 5 September 1943, married 23 September 1902 Nellie May Robertson, born 1863. No children.
  (4) Rosalie Swisher was born 1867. 
  (5) Mary Ellen Swisher
  (6) Annie Ritzinger born 1875.
  (7) Clara Ritzinger born 1877.
  (8) Tuden Swisher. May have died in infancy, as did three other children whose names we do not know, probably another girl and two boys.
 After Samuel Swisher died, Ellen was married on 20 February 1871 at  Lawrence, Kansas to Michael Ritzinger, born 1845 in Austria. Michael and Ellen had two daughters:
  (9) Annie Ritzinger born 1875.
  (10.) Clara Ritzinger born 1877. They were both born in Eudora, Kansas and died a month apart while in their teens. They
  are buried in the Delaware Cemetery at Eudora, Kansas.

 5. George Zeigler was born 1842 [1843, in Kansas (Ibid., pp. 1, 96) and  died December 1869. He became a citizen of the United States in 1866. He married on 31 May 1866 at Leavenworth, Kansas, Sarah Hayhurs, born 1841, in Tennessee. Sarah had one son before she married George, Thomas W. Hayhurst, born 1861 in Arkansas . George and Sarah had two children, both born in Kansas :
  (1) Rachel Ellen Zeigler, born May 1867, married _______ Dryman.
  (2) Eldora Kansas Zeigler born 1869, married first on 22 December 1889 at Lawrence, Kansas, Charles A. Wakely, born
  1863, married second A. S. Hamilton.

 6. Henry W. Zeigler was born 1848 [1850 in Kansas, Ibid., pp. 1, 96] He had 1862 Allotment #135 at age 17. Henry incorporated into the Cherokee Tribe on 8 April 1867. Henry married first on 12 January 1873 at Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas, Lucetia [Is this the correct spelling?] White, a Creek Indian, born 1855. [Abbott, p. 96). He married second Della _____, born in 1872. Henry and Della had four children:
  (1) Samuel Zeigler was born 1892.
  (2) Nancy Zeigler was born 1893.
  (3) Jeremiah "Jerry" Zeigler was born 1895. 
  (4) Charlotte Zeigler was born 1897.

 7.  Charles R. Zeigler was born in 1853 in Kansas. Charles had 1862 Allotment #136 at age 14. He married 22 March 1873 Julia "Julie"  H. Hindson. No children.

TIBLOW,  Henry--He was born on 9 February 1818. Henry attended schools in the Shawnee Mission, Kansas, area. He  settled in an area called "four houses" in the Delaware Reserve (present Kansas). The area in which he lived became known as Tiblow, later changed to Bonner Springs, Kansas. Citizens of Bonner Springs celebrate "TIBLOW DAYS" annually each August. Henry helped his brother, Moses,  run the ferry across the Kaw River.  Henry  married Mary Ann "Polly" Marshall (whom see). Their children are listed under her name. Henry was a medical doctor, a chief,  and an Interpreter for the United States for several treaties. The treaties included the Agreement with the Delaware and Wyandot Nations of Indians on 14 December 1843, the Treaty between the Delaware and the United States at Washington, District of Columbia, on 6 May 1854, the Treaty of Sarcoxieville, Kansas, on 30  May 30 1860, and as a member of the Delaware-Cherokee Delegation in  1866. He could speak seven  different languages including English, French, and five different Indian languages. The photograph below was from a group photograph taken in 1866. His 1862 Allotment number is 116; 1862 Delaware Census No. 780; and on the list of those who retained their tribal status 1862 as No. 3. (Faye Louise Smith Arellano, transcriber, Delaware Trails: Some Tribal Records 1842-1907, "Delaware Indians Who Have Elected to Retain Their Tribal Relations At the Delaware Agency, February, 1867", p. 189.)  Henry died on 16 December 1881.Henry is buried in the Armstrong-Secondine Cemetery located approximately five miles east of Nowata, Oklahoma in a remote wooded area. According to his grave marker, he was born 9 February 1818 and died 6 December 1881 at the age of 64. A photograph of the grave monument of  Henry Tiblow can be found under the Armstrong-Secondine Cemetery under Cemeteries.  The research on Henry Tiblow and his family  and the location of his grave was done by researcher and descendant Vickie Wilkins.
(We are perplexed as to why we cannot seem to find the ancestors or very much about the early life of this prominent Delaware. We would appreciate knowing if there is anyone out there who can help us learn more about Henry Tiblow. Editor)

The Tiblow Cabin. The photograph was probably taken in 1907 or 1908. The cabin was probably torn down in 1910. (The image was submitted by Researcher/Descendant Vickie Wilkins on 9 December 2003.)


TIBLOW, Mary (married Stevenson) -- She was  the daughter of Mary Ann (Marshall) Tiblow  and  Henry Tiblow (both of whom see.) Mary Tiblow was born in Kansas and was married about 1867 to Andrew Stevenson. He was born in Indiana, died on 3 March 1900, and was buried in a Ketchum Cemetery in Oklahoma.  Mary Tiblow was on the List of Delaware Who Elected to Remain in Kansas at age 17 under 1862 Allotment No. 119 with her daughter Rachel, age 1. Mary died before  the Dawes and 1904 Census Numbers were assigned.   Her daughter Rosanna Stevenson, had Dawes #32526 and 1904 Census No. _0403 [first number accidentally omitted], was born in 1868 and died in 1952. A daughter, Mary Ann Stevenson was born about 1869. Her son, John Henry Stevenson,  was born 27 September 1873 and died after 1930. He had Dawes No. 32211 and 1904 Census No.10420. Her daughter, Fannie Francis Stevenson, was born about 1877 and died in 1924. She had Dawes No. 322024 and Census No. 10404. The names Stevenson appears later  as Stevens and Stephenson, the latter the one currently in use. Researcher and descendant Vickie Wilkins

TOUCHING LEAVES (Mrs. Nora Dean) of Dewey, Oklahoma, a fluent speaker of Lenape-Delaware, an herbalist, a visionary, and author, was consulted by many writers of Delaware-Lenape works.


Touching Leaves. Photograph by Dan Stroud of Bartlesville, Oklahoma from C. A. Weslager's, The Delaware Indian Westward Migration.


The Ketchums are a difficult entry, full of complications and conflicting information. At this point, we are merely reflecting what is available in the literature about the Ketchum Family. Contributions from Ketchum descendants would be helpful  to help us provide accurate information. The two "critics" we have had of these entries have not been willing to share their own information for inclusion. The data presented are meant to be used as an aid by Ketchum researchers and are not definitive..

The first entry is based on Helen York Rose, I Walked in the Footsteps of My Grandfather, pp. 174a, 177-180, 182, published in 1989. Some of the data conflicts with other sources. As Helen York Rose says on page 175, "The Ketchum Family is  a little harder to work on...[as] in the other families I worked on.

1. Twehullahlah. [Possibly born about 1760] His names supposedly translates into "Could Run and Catch Deer" or Catchum=Ketchum, hence the family English name of Ketchum. Twehullahlah was  brave of the Delaware tribe, not a chief. He married first Ahkechelungunaqua, a sister of Memshaquaowha (Captain Patterson). (According to Helen York Rose,  I Walked in the Footsteps..., p.   177, she was of the Turtle Clan). She died about 1805. Their children were:
     2. Lapinnihe had a daughter killed about 1820 or 1821 by the Miami who stole her horses and personal possessions, including a  ceremonial doll. He was chief of the Cape Girardeau Delaware and joined Chief Anderson at James Fork, MO, where he died in  1826.
     2. Tawhelalen signed the 1832 peace treaty as the third Delaware signature.
3. Jonas Ketchum born 1807 and was married by 1893.
3. Walustamoqua, born 1817, married first Gen. Jackson and  married second Billy Panchael.
3. Lemuel P.  Ketchum,  born 1836.
     2.  Tahleeockwhe (Captain Jack, or possibly James Ketchum), was born 1780 in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, died 11 July 1857 at
   White    Church, Kansas and was buried there in the White Church Cemetery. He served in the War of 1812 under General Cass,
   enlisting 18    June 1812 and being discharged 1 October 1812 at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Tahleeockwhe became the Chief of the Turtle
   Clan in 1826, and was Head Chief from 1849 until his death in 1857.  He applied for bounty land on 3 March , Jacket No. 183943
   Tahleeockwhe was  a member of the Methodist Church South for 22 years. His wife is not mentioned. National Archive Records)
           3. Quaanoxie was born in born 1802. An entry on page 179, that "appears" to be children of Tahleeockwhe, says, that she gave
     gives Henry Armstrong as a nephew and Rachel Anderson as a niece.
           3. Son Toome was killed while on the Platte River in Sioux country in 1848. (Trail Guide, "The Kansas City Posse," Sept. 1955, p. 12
         and Allen W. Farley, "Delaware Indians in Kansas 1829-1867 (1966).
           3. Son Teehee was killed while on the Platte River in Sioux country in 1852. (Ibid.)
           3. Rebecca Ketchum, born 1804
3. Elizabeth Ketchum, born 1810
           3. Neshenoktase, born 1812, married Buffalo Woman, born 1809, died 1863, Kansas.
              4. Walepahkeno, born 1842, married first French Wilson and second Joseph Thompson. Her children, spouse not specified:
                    5. Socahalahto, born 1849
                    5. Wetahalahto, born 1858
                    5. Wewelaqua, born 1860
3. Mary Ketchum, born 1814
          3. Sally Ketchum, born 1819, died 1887, married Big Raccoon. She had no living children and gave Rachel Anderson as her niece
        and Henry Armstrong as her nephew.
3. Howard Ketchum . Some of this entry on Howard was taken from The History of Craig County, Oklahoma. He was born 1820, died
     1868 in Kansas.
     Spouse 1. Marie ______
Their child was:
              4. Louisa Ketchum, born 1840, married Robert J. Lundy, born 1835. Their children were:
                   5. Mary L. Lundy, born 1859, married Nidifer
                  5. Rosa E. Lundy, born 1861, married Chandler
                   5. Edward E. Lundy, born 1864, was married
                   5. Eula G. Lundy, born 1867, married Smith
     Spouse 2. Nuscarleta (Narcissa)
, born 1820. Their children:
              4. Rachel Ketchem, born 1842, died 27 March 1911 and is buried in the Walker Cemetery, Craig County, Ohio.
         Spouse 1. Rachel Ketchum married first on 3 February 1870, James Wolf, born 1836. Their children:
                   5. Henry Wolfe, born 1859, died 1917, married Nancy Elverine/Clevine, born 1868, died 1909. Their children:
                        6. Laura B. Wolfe, 1891-1964
                        6. Frances J. Wolfe, born 1893
                        6. Winnie L. Wolfe, 1896-1938
                        6. Ben W. Wolfe, born 1898
                        6. Lottie Wolfe, born 1901
                        6. Lena Wolfe, born 1902
                    5. Elizabeth Wolfe, born 1860, died 1916, married John Curtis Barker. Their children:
                         6. George H. Barker, 1881-1969
                         6. Henry J. Barker, born 1881
                         6. Fred A. Barker, born 1884
                         6. Effie Barger, born 1886
                         6. Elmer Barker, born 1899 [1899?]
                         6. Oliver Barker
                         6. Herbert Barker
                         6. Jesse Barker
         Spouse 2 of  Rachel Ketchum, born 1842, A. M. Anderson, born 3 November 1913, and buried in the
         Walker Cemetery, Ohio. Their children:
                  5. John M. Anderson, born 1871, died 1895, married Ida M., 1873-1895  . Their daughter:
                         6. Rachel C. Anderson, born 1887, married John H. Adams, 1883-1953
                  5. Anna "Annie" J. Anderson, born 1873, died 1964, married George W. Seigle, 1861-1917. Their children:
                         6. Eva Seigle, 1887-1917
                         6. Ada Seigle, 1890-1953
                         6. Charles Seigle, 1891-1970
                         6. Leslie Seigle, born 1893
                         6. James Seigle, 1895-1968
                         6. Anna Seigle, born 1900
                         6. Henry Seigle, born 1903
                         6. George A. Seigle, born 1906
                         6. Ethel M. Seigle, born 1908     
                   5. Charles J. Anderson, 1870-1935
                   5. Rachel Anderson, 1878-1960, married C. J. Wilkins
                   5. Nancy Anderson, born 1884, married _____ Nading
         4. Nancy Ketchum (Waenditiarqua), born 1845, died 1873, married Arthur Armstrong, 1844-1919. Their children:
                  5. Johnie Armstrong, 1866-1866
               5. Henry Armstrong, born 1870, married 1 Jenny White, married 2 Jane Chapman
4. Simon Ketchum, born 1850, married Shewannakooxqua. He claimed Rachel as a sister and Henry Armstrong as a nephew.
4.  Best Quality,  born 1852, claimed Rachel as a sister and Henry Armstrong as a nephew.         
        3. Nancy Ketchum, born 1826, died 1854.
  2. Ahkeelenqua was born 1786,  married Ninundekumen/Owl, A Miami. She was killed 1825 by a Miami Indian.
   Their children were:
       3. Ahpanundaqua/Nancy, born 1815, died 1871, married Isaac Journeycake
       3. Lossetonauqua/Lucy born 1811, died 1881, married William Riley Ketchum
       3. Loatiaaqua, born 1823 and married James Ketchum
       3. Aupheehelaqua
    2. Echelangonaoqua, married a chief. They had a daughter Ahquamdegauackwe. [This source varies from others that indicate that  Echelangonaockwe was the mother of Wilaquenaho. Editor]
2. Wilaquaenaho, born 1795, died 1858, Kansas [Probably incorrect. Evidence leads us to believe that she died about 1875  in Indian   Territory. Editor], married a white trader, William Marshall.  See the entry in the Biographies for Wilaquenaho. Editor.] Their children
         3. John A. Marshall, born 1820, died 1862, married Betsy _______.
          3.Anna Marshall born 1825, died 1905, married Moses Grinter  
3. Lucinda Marshall born 1827
          3. Rosanna Marshall, born 1930, died 1916, married James C. Grinter. [Other sources show possibility of other children. Editor

       Twehullahlah married second Menshaquowha, a Sandusky Delaware.

     2. Captain George (Kakeewha) (The source says that Menshaquowha "was the mother of Captain George/Kakeewha, so that it is
   not known for certain whether or not she meant that Twehullahlah was his father..)

* * *

From another perspective, Witcher/Arellano, Our Cherokee-Delaware Heritage, p. 145, f.n. 4 based on Foreman, Indian Pioneer History, 61:12/Sol. Ketchum interview), said that Chief Captain Ketchum was the son of George. According to ibid., f.n 5, "Various names in this list were given to me by George Bullette, Jr., [b. Oct. 19, 1853], Henry Armstrong [born ca. 1870], and Sol C. Ketchum" [born  Jan. 22, 1861] footnote of Mary Smith Witcher and Laura Porter, letter dated Oct. 14, 1941, Bethel, KS, to Mary Smith Witcher, said "Louis, James and John Ketchum were brothers." Porter, then age 77 yrs. said she went to school with their children.
1. Lapanihile, son
2. Capt. Ketchum
3. Charles Ketchum
4. James Ketchum
5. Lewis Ketchum
6. William R. Ketchum
7. Echelangonaockwe, daughter
8. Makengis, daughter
[There are obviously some conflicts here with the other data cited in the longer Descendancy chart in the Genealogy Section. Editor]

Helen York Rose, I Walked in the Steps of My Ancestors, p.175:

     In May 1854, the Honorable Andrew H. Reeder, first Governor of the new Territory of Kansas, first visited the Delawares  on the   reservation in Kansas. Their Chief at  that time was Captain  Ketchum. At that time, he  was  more than  80 years of age.  He told Governor Reeder that he was born in Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, but  being very young when his folks left the valley, he did not remember anything about the valley. (Oscar Jewell Harvey, History of Wilkes Barre ( (1909)), p. 423.

Interestedly, Helen York Rose, ibid, also said,

    I read where a white boy was  captured by the Delaware  Indians  in  the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania. His  name was Ketchum.
    He was a captive for some time and escaped. Could he have fathered a child while he was a captive? It  had happened many
    times before.

The following item by Helen York York, I walked in the Footsteps of My Ancestors, p. 176, because I don't know where exactly to put it at the moment. It is entitled, "Aunt Barbara."

In Kentucky, the men had gone away from the fort for days. They had been lulled into a false feeling that things were safe. The Indians hadn't been active for some time. The ladies and children were busy with the family chores of pioneer life. Quietly the Indians had crept up to the edge of the trees and all at once with frightening yells, they attacked the fort.

When it was over, the Delaware Indians took a mother and her daughter as hostages. The father was a German man, fearless. His wife prayed that the men would come back before they had been taken too far away. The mother was frail and couldn't keep up with the fleeing Delawares, and they killed her. On they raced with the little girl, Barbara. The girl wasn't rescued and was adopted by an elderly Delaware woman. She was kind to her white daughter. When she died, all of her possessions went to the white girl.

Barbara lived alone in the cabin for some time and, at last, she gave up hopes of getting back to her white family. She married an Indian and bore one daughter. Barbara's Delaware husband died, and she and her daughter lived alone for a while. The traders were very attentive  toward Barbara and she married a French trader. Her second husband soon died, and again she and her daughter were alone. They were quite well-to-do as Barbara had all her husbands trader goods.

Barbara's daughter married a full blood Indian and had six children by him. They all removed to the Delaware Reservation in Kansas in the Indian removal. They had been converted in Ohio and were among the first to join the Methodist Church in Kansas.  Barbara was about 70 years old at that time and lived very well. Two of her grandsons were Charles and James Ketchum who became Methodist preachers. Charles and James Ketchum were the sons of George Ketchum, so he would have been the son of Aunt Barbara's daughter. George was the son of Chief Jack/James Ketchum and his first wife.

Helen York Rose, ibid, adds:

My great-uncle William C. Smith told his daughter, Nina Smith Swanson, that Aunt Barbara moved to Indian Territory with the Delawares. He said that she lived at Big Cabin, Oklahoma, and he remembered he because of her beautiful blue eyes (Family Legend)

1. TWEEHULLAHLA Descendancy Chart (From Helen York Rose, I Walked in the Footsteps of My Ancestors, p 174a)
Spouse 1: Achechelungunaqua of the Turtle Clan of the Delaware, a sister of Captain Patterson
    2. Lepinihe
    2. Tawhelalan
    2. Tahleeockwe (Captain Jack/James Ketchum)
    2. Ahkeelenqua (Nancy Ketchum), married Owl, a Miami
    2. Echelongonaoqua
    2. Wallaquanenaho, married the white trader, William Marshall
Spouse 2: Mashaquowha, a Sandusky Delaware, the mother of Captain George Ketchum/Kakeewha

                                                           * * *
TWEHULLAHLAH Descendancy Chart: (George Ketchum) [This chart is being revised. See the entry for Twehullahla in the Biographies. Editor]
1. Twehullahlah, birth data not known.
    Spouse (1) Ahkechelungunaqua, birth data not known, died about 1805. Children:
     2. Paopaneach (Ketchum), born ca.1771, died ca.1826
          Spouse unknown
     2. Tawhelalend (Ketchum), born ca.1780, died ca.1857
          Spouse unknown
     2. Queshatowha (Ketchum)
Spouse unknown
2. Echelangonaockwe (Ketchum), born ca,1782, died ca.1825
          Spouse  (1) unknown. Child:
          3. Aquamdegaockwe (Nancy)
Spouse not known. Children:
              4. Wilaquenaho, born ca.1797, died 30 October 1875, buried Gilstrap Cemetery #2, Bartlesville OK
                  Spouse: William Marshall
              4. Aukeelenqua
Spouse not known.
4. Tahleockwe [or was she the daughter of Ninundekumen just below?]
Spouse (2) Ninundekumen. Children:
    3. Aupamundaqua, born ca.1815, died ca.1871.      
              Spouse (1) unknown. Children:
4. Tahleockwe, born Spring of 1830, South of White Church, Kansas, died 15 January 1911, married about 1854
                  Spouse Rezin Wilcoxen, born 18 March 1828, died ca.1890
                  5. Lucinda Wilcoxen, born ca.1854
                  5. Emmit Wilcoxen, born ca.1865
                  5. Oscar Wilcoxen
                  5. Leanora Wilcoxen , born 23 February 1868, died 22 December 1884
              Spouse (2) Isaac Journeycake. Children:
4. Sally O. Journeycake, born ca.1840, died ca.1906
              4. Robert Jordan Euphrates Journeycake, born ca.1843, died ca.1875
              4. Matilda Journeycake, born ca.1846
4. Polly Journeycake, born ca.1848
4. Mary E. Journeycake, born ca.1850
4. Angeline Journeycake, born ca.1852, died about 1861
4. Joseph Journeycake, born ca.1854, died about 1897
              4. Isaac N. Journeycake, Jr., born ca.1856, died ca.1916
4. Emma Journeycake, born ca.1856
          3. Lusitahoqua , born ca.1817, died ca.1881
              Spouse William Riley Ketchum
          3. Loowataxwe, born ca.1823
              Spouse Kockkockquas, born ca.1818, died 22 December 1880
              4. Nancy Ketchum, born ca.1839
              4. Mary E. Ketchum, born 2 December 1844, buried in the Ketchum Cemetery, Craig County, Oklahoma
              4. Katherine Ketchum, born ca.1845
              4. Charles Ketchum, born ca.1845
              4. Abraham W. Ketchum, born ca.1846
              4. Hester Ann Ketchum, born ca.1849
              4. Virginia A. Ketchum, born 15 January 1853, died 16 April 1883, buried Ketchum Cemetery, Craig County, Oklahoma
              4. Thomas Ketchum, born 16 August 1856, died 6 June 1928
              4. Casander Ketchum, born 5 October 1862, died February 1869, buried Ketchum Cemetery, Craig County, Oklahoma
              4. Amanda Ketchum, born 12 April 1858, died 21 December 1872
          3. Aupheeheiliqua, born about 1823, buried Ketchum Cemetery, Craig County, Oklahoma
              Spouse Shingomezia
              4. Lakepeshequa [Sarah "Sally Owl], born 12 Nov 1833, died December 1910. See her Descendancy Chart  on this page.
                  Spouse William Honeywell, married 1851/1852, died 1880
                  5. Ann Elizabeth Honeywell, born 25 December 1852, died 3 April 1853
                  5. Masakah, born 16 August 1854, died 7 Nov. 1892
                  5. Ohpemukwa, born 13 December 1857, died 1923
                  5. Pungishshenqua, born 28 June 1861, died 1942
                  5. Wapaseepamore, born 30 July 1863, died 18 August 1911
                  5. Enoch Honeywell, born 10 December 1866
                  5. Keshecoqua, born 12 March 1868, died 1918
                  5. Frank Honeywell, born 13 Nov. 1872, died 13 April 1873
    Spouse (2) Unknown. Children with Twehullahlah:
     2. Kakeewha, born about 1787, died ca.1887
          Spouse Nancy Unknown
          3. Lewis Ketchum, born 1808, died 28 March 1904, buried Ketchum Cemetery, Craig Co., OK
              Spouse (1) Lucy French, married ca.1837
4. Samuel Ketchum, died 1870
              4. John Ketchum, born 1843, died 1892
              4. Charles W. Ketchum, born 1845, died 1868
              Spouse (2) Elizabeth Zeigler, born 1834, died 1913
              4. Mary Louise Ketchum, born ca.1846/1847, died 1 April 1928
              4. Jane O. Ketchum, born ca.1849/1850, died 8 September 1881
               Spouse Robert O'Donnel, born 1830, died 1909
                  5. Mary Ellen O'Donnel
Spouse Busey
          4. Barbara Ketchum, born ca.1850/1852, died 1894
               4. Simon W. Ketchum, born  27 Feb. 1855, died 2 March 1894
               4. Silas Ketchum, born 12 Jan. 1857, died 2 December 1901
               4. Lucinda Ketchum, born about 1858, died 3 August 1876
               4. Solomon C. Ketchum, born 27 January 1861, died 1945
               4. Hatty Ann Ketchum, born 1868, died 1869
          3. Charles Ketchum, born Dec. 1811, died 20 July 1860
              Spouse unknown
              4. Eliza Ketchum
          3. Kockkockwas, born ca.1818, died 22 December 1880
              Spouse (1) Loowataxque  born ca.1823, daughter of Ninundekumen and Echelangonaockwe
              4. Nancy Ketchum, born ca.1839
              4. Mary E. Ketchum, born 2 December 1844
              4. Katherine Ketchum, born ca.1845
              4. Charles Ketchum, born ca.1845
              4. Abraham W. Ketchum, born ca.1846
              4. Hester Ann Ketchum, born ca.1849
              4. Virginia A. Ketchum, born 15 Jan. 1852, died 16 April 1883
              4. Thomas Ketchum, born 16 Aug. 1856, died 6 June 1928
              4. Casander Ketchum, 5 Oct. 1862, died February 1859
              4. Armanda Ketchum, born 12 April 1858, died 21 Dec. 1872
               Spouse (2) Elizabeth Swannock-Connor
              4. James Ketchum, Jr., born 3 December 1877, died 10 June 1886, buried Ketchum Cemetery, Craig County, Oklahoma
              4. Jane Anna Ketchum, born ca.1870, died ca.1947
              4. Lucinda Ketchum, born ca.1872, died ca.1947
         3. George Ketchum 
      ( Provided by Vickie Wilkins based on data from various public sources.)

Another Descendancy Chart of Twelhullalah (Source?)
1. Twehullahlah
Spouse (1) Ahkechelungunaqua, a Delaware woman of the Turtle Clan. Children:
2. Lapenahile, Chief of the Cape Girardeau Delaware, who died at James Fork, Missouri in 1826
  2. Tawhelalen (son)
2. Tahleeockwe/Captain Jack or James Ketchum, Chief of the Turtle Clan, then Principal Chief
  2. Daughter killed by the Miami Indians about 1829-1821. Children:
     2. Ahkelenqua /Nancy Ketchum, born 1786, killed 1825 by Miami Indians
Spouse Ninundekumen (Owl). a Miami Indian
        3. Ahpamundaqua/Nancy, born 1815, died 1871
        Spouse Isaac Journeycake
3. Lossetonauqua, born 1811, died 1881
        Spouse William Riley Ketchum
3. Loatiaaqua, born 1823, married James Ketchum
3. Aupheehelaqua
2.  Echelangonaoqua
 Spouse (2) Mehshaquowha, a Sandusky Delaware (Provided by Scott Butterfield).  [To be continued when the data becomes available. Editor]

* * *

Twehullahlah Descendancy Chart from Helen York Rose, I Walked in the Footsteps of my Ancestors, pp. 174a 177-179 [This chart duplicates some of the other  data presented above. It will be sorted out later. Editor]

 * * *

Relative to the above is a Ketchum origin story that may have come from Rev. L. B. Statler's Journal, perhaps. p. 70. It is disjointed and rather hard to follow, but should probably be kept in kind for anyone doing Ketchum Family research:

He tells of  the capture of a fort located where Louisville, Kentruckyy now stands and the killing of all the inmates except a mother and a little girl who were led away in captivity. The mother not being strong enough to travel as fast as the march, was tomahawked but they carried the little girl with them to their distant home in the North. She was reared among the Indians, but never forgot her home. She married an Indian by whom she had one daughter. In the course of time the daughter grew up and married a Delaware Indian. She raised up quite a family of sons, who were almost like white men, their complexions were so fair. They were men of intelligence, and spoke English very readily. When the Missionaries came among the Delawares they found this white woman , then a venerable woman of seventy years, living in a comfortable hewed log house like any other civilized woman. She was the first to welcome the Missionaries when they came. She could converse in Indian, French and English and made a good interpreter. She and her daughter and grandchildren were the first to come and united with the Church, and thus formed a little nucleus. The grandsons subsequently became very ready interpreters and two of the m afterwards became preachers of the gospel. The family name of the grandsons was Ketchum. The two preachers were Charles and James Ketchum. The person submitting this item, said that there must be more to this is the Statler Journal as Edith Ketchum of California wrote her that the kidnapped white child married an Indian and had one daughter and when he (the Indian) died then she married a French trader who also died and then she moved back with the tribe with her little girl and lived until she died. She was known only as "Aunt Barbara. by the missionaries. [I am trying to find the name of the person who submitted the article, If anyone knows of the whereabouts of the Statler Journal, I would be pleased to know, Editor]

Readers please note that submitters of family data are responsible for the accuracy of the data and obtaining the permission of living persons.

There are are some problems in above items. but they are included here for the benefit of Ketchum Family researchers in having all that has been printed about the family. As usual. use the above and other data with caution.

Times New Roman 14 point. Internet copy 21 May 2005. Photo check A. TH

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