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24 July 2005
Feb. 5, 1856. 11 Stat., 663. Ratified Apr. 18, 1856. Proclaimed Sept. 8, 1856.
Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties. Vol. II (Treaties), pp. 742-745. Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1904.
Articles of agreement and convention made and
concluded at Stockbridge in the State of Wisconsin,
on the fifth day of February, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six,
between Francis Huebschmann,
commissioner on the part of the United States, and
the Stockbridge and Munsee tribes of Indians
assembled in general council, and such of the Munsees who were included in the treaty of September third,
one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, but are
yet residing in the State of New York, by their duly
authorized delegates, William Mohawk and Joshua
Whereas by Senate amendment to the treaty with the
Menomonees of
February [twenty] eighth, one thousand eight
hundred and thirty one, two townships of land on the
east side of
Winnebago Lake, Territory of Wisconsin, were set aside for the
use of the Stockbridge
and Munsee tribes of
Indians, all formerly of the
State of New York, but a part of whom had
already removed to Wisconsin; and
Whereas said Indians took possession of said
lands, but dissensions existing among them led to
the treaty of September third, one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-nine, by which the east half of
said two townships was retroceded to the United
States, and in conformity to which a part of said
Stockbridges and Munsees emigrated west of the Mississippi; and
Whereas to relieve them from dissensions still
existing by “An act for the relief of the
Stockbridge tribe of Indians in the Territory of
Wisconsin,” approved March third, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-three, it was provided, that the
remaining townships of land should be divided into
lots and allotted between the individual members of
said tribe; and
Whereas a part of said tribe
refused to be governed by the provisions of said
act, and a subsequent act was passed on the sixth
day of August, one thousand eight hundred and
forty-six, repealing the aforementioned act, but
without making provision for bona fide purchasers of
lots in the townships subdivided in conformity to
the said first-named act; and
Whereas it was found impracticable to carry into
effect the provisions of the last-mentioned act, and
to remedy all difficulties, a treaty was entered
into on the twenty-fourth of November, one thousand
eight hundred and forty-eight, wherein among other
provisions, the tribe obligated itself to remove to
the country west of the Mississippi set apart for
them by the amendment to said treaty; and
Whereas dissensions have yet been constantly
existing amongst them, and many of the tribe refused
to remove, when they were offered a location in
Minnesota, and applied for a retrocession to them of
the township of Stockbridge, which has been refused
by the United States; and
Whereas a majority
of the said tribe of Stockbridges and the Munsees
are averse to removing to Minnesota and prefer a new
location in Wisconsin, and are desirous soon to
remove and to resume agricultural pursuits, and
gradually to prepare for citizenship, and a number
of other members of the said tribe desire at the
present time to sever their tribal relations and to
receive patents for the lots of land at Stockbridge
now occupied by them; and
Whereas the United
States are willing to exercise the same liberal
policy as heretofore, and for the purpose of
relieving these Indians from the complicated
difficulties, by which they are surrounded, and to
establish comfortably together all such Stockbridges
and Munsees— wherever they may be now located, in
Wisconsin, in the State of New York, or west of the
Mississippi—as were included in the treaty of
September third, one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-nine, and desire to remain for the present
under the paternal care of the United States
Government; and for the purpose of enabling such
individuals of said tribes as are now qualified and
desirous to manage their own affairs, to exercise
the rights and to perform the duties of the citizen,
these articles of agreement have been entered into:
The Stockbridge and Munsee tribes, who
were included in the treaty of September third, one
thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and all the
individual members of said tribes, hereby jointly
and severally cede and relinquish to the United
States and their remaining right and title in
the lands at the town of Stockbridge, State of
Wisconsin, the seventy-two sections of land in
Minnesota set aside for them by the amendment to the
treaty of November twenty-fourth, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-eight, the twenty thousand dollars
stipulated to be paid to them by the said amendment,
the sixteen thousand five hundred dollars invested
by the United States in stocks for the benefit of
the Stockbridge tribe in conformity to Article 9 of
the said treaty, and all claims set up by and for
the Stockbridge and Munsee tribes, or by and for the
Munsees separately, or by and for any individuals of
the Stockbridge tribe who claim to have been
deprived of annuities since the year one thousand
eight hundred and forty-three, and all such and
other claims set up by or for them or any of them
are hereby abrogated, and the United States released
and discharged therefrom.
In consideration of such cession and
relinquishment by said Stockbridges and Munsees, the
United States agree to select as soon as practicable
and to give them a tract of land in the State of
Wisconsin near the southern boundary of the
Menomonee reservation, of sufficient extent to
provide for each head of a family and others lots of
land of eighty and forty acres, as hereinafter
provided; every such lot to contain at least
one-half of arable land, and to pay to be expended
for improvements for the said Stockbridges and
Munsees as provided in article 4, the sum of
forty-one thousand one hundred dollars, and a
further sum of twenty thousand five hundred and
fifty dollars to enable them to remove, and the
further sum of eighteen thousand dollars, (twelve
thousand for the Stockbridges and six thousand for
the Munsees,) to be expended, at such time, and in
such manner, as may be prescribed by the Secretary
of the Interior, in the purchase of stock and
necessaries, the discharge of national or tribal
debts, and to enable them to settle their affairs.
As soon as practicable after the
selection of the lands set aside for these Indians
by the preceding article, the United States shall
cause the same to be surveyed into sections, half
and quarter sections, to correspond with the public
surveys, and the council of the Stockbridges and
Munsees shall under the direction of the
superintendent of Indian affairs for the northern
superintendency, make a fair and just allotment
among the individuals and families of their tribes.
Each head of a family shall be entitled to eighty
acres of land, and in case his or her family
consists of more than four members, if thought
expedient by the said council, eighty acres more may
be allotted to him or her; each single male person
above eighteen years of age shall be entitled to
eighty acres; and each female person above eighteen
years of age, not belonging to any family, and each
orphan child, to forty acres; and sufficient land
shall be reserved for the rising generation. After
the said allotment is made, the persons entitled to
land may take immediate possession thereof, and the
United States will thence-forth and until the
issuing of the patents, as hereinafter provided,
hold the same in trust for such persons, and
certificates shall be issued, in a suitable form
guaranteeing and securing to the holders their
possession and an ultimate title to the land; but
such certificates shall not be assignable, and shall
contain a clause expressly prohibiting the sale or
transfer by the holder of the land described
therein. After the expiration of ten years upon the
application of the holder of such certificate, made
with the consent of the said Stockbridge and Munsee
council, and when it shall appear prudent and for
his or her welfare, the President of the United
States may direct, that such restriction on the
power of sale shall be withdrawn and a patent issued
in the usual form. Should any of the heads of
families die before the issuing of the certificates
or patents herein provided for, the same shall issue
to their heirs; and if the holder of any such
certificate shall die without heirs, his or her land
shall not revert to the United States, unless on
petition of the Stockbridge and Munsee council for
the issuing of a new certificate for the land of
such deceased person, to the holder of any other
certificate for land, and on the surrendering to the
United States of such other certificate, by the
holder thereof, the President shall direct the
issuing of a new certificate for such land; and in
like manner new certificates, may be given for lots
of land, the prior certificates for which have been
surrendered by the holders thereof.
Of the monies set aside for
improvements by the second of these articles, not
exceeding one-fourth shall be applied to the
building of roads leading to, and through said
lands: to the erection of a school-house, and such
other improvements of a public character, as will be
deemed necessary by the said Stockbridge and Munsee
council, and approved by the superintendent of the
northern superintendency. The residue of the said
fund shall be expended for improvements to be made
by and for the different members and families
composing the said tribes, according to a system to
be adopted by the said council, under the direction
of the superintendent aforesaid, and to be first
approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
The persons to be included in the
apportionment of the land and money to be divided
and expended under the provisions of this agreement,
shall be such only, as are actual members of the
said Stockbridge and Munsee tribes, (a roll or
census of whom shall be taken and appended to this
agreement,) their heirs, and legal representatives;
and hereafter, the adoption of any individual
amongst them shall be null and void, except it be
first approved by the Commissioner of Indian
In case the United States desire to
locate on the tract of land to be selected as herein
provided, the Stockbridges and Munsees emigrated to
the west of the Mississippi in conformity to the
treaty of September third, one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-nine, the Stockbridges and
Munsees, parties to this treaty, agree to receive
them as brethren: Provided, That none of the
said Stockbridges and Munsees, whether now residing
at Stockbridge, in the State of Wisconsin, in the
State of New York, or west of the Mississippi, shall
be entitled to any of these lands or the money
stipulated to be expended by these articles, unless
they remove to the new location within two years
from the ratification hereof.
The said Stockbridges and Munsees
hereby set aside, for educational purposes
exclusively, their portion of the annuities under
the treaties of November the eleventh, one thousand
seven hundred and ninety-four; August eleventh, one
thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven; and
September third, one thousand eight hundred and
One hundred and fifty dollars
valuation of the schoolhouse at Stockbridge made in
conformity to article 6 of the treaty of November
twenty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and
forty-eight, and remaining unpaid, shall be expended
in the erection of a school-house, with the other
funds set aside for the same purpose by article 4 of
this agreement.
About seven and two-fifths acres
bounded as follows: Beginning at the northeast
corner of lot eighty-nine, in the centre of the
military road; thence west, along the north line of
said lot, fifty-four and a quarter rods; thence
south, thirty-eight and a quarter rods; thence east
twenty-eight and a quarter rods; thence north thirty
four and a quarter rods; thence east twenty-six
rods; thence north, four rods, to the place of
beginning, comprising the ground heretofore used by
the Stockbridges to bury their dead, shall be
patented to the supervisors of the town of
Stockbridge, to be held by them and their successors
in trust for the inhabitants of said town, to be
used by them as a cemetery, and the proceeds from
cemetery lots and burial-places to be applied in
fencing, clearing, and embellishing the grounds.
It is agreed that all roads and
highways laid out by authority of law shall have
right of way through the lands set aside for said
Indians, on the same terms as are provided by law
for their location through lands of citizens of the
United States.
The object of this instrument being
to advance the welfare and improvement of said
Indians, it is agreed, if it prove insufficient from
causes which cannot now be foreseen, to effect these
ends, that the President of the United States may,
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,
adopt such policy in the management of their
affairs, as in his judgment may be most beneficial
to them; or Congress may, hereafter, make such
provision by law, as experience shall prove to be
The said Stockbridges and Munsees
agree to suppress the use of ardent spirits among
their people and to resist by all prudent means, its
introduction in their settlements.
Secretary of the Interior, if deemed by him
expedient and proper, may examine into the sales
made by the Stockbridge Indians. to whom lots of
land were allotted in conformity to the acts of
Congress, entitled “An act for the relief of the
Stockbridge tribe of Indians in the Territory of
Wisconsin,” approved March third, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-three; and if it shall be found
that any of the said sales have been improperly
made, or that a proper consideration has not been
paid, the same may be disapproved or set aside. By
the direction of the said Secretary, patents to such
lots of land shall be issued to such persons as
shall be found to be entitled to the same.
The lots of land the equitable title
to which shall be found not to have passed by valid
sales from the Stockbridge Indians to purchasers,
and such lots as have, by the treaty of November
twenty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and
forty-eight, been receded to the United States,
shall be sold at the minimum price of ten dollars
per acre for lots fronting on Lake Winnebago, on
both sides of the military road, and all the lands
in the three tiers of lots next to Lake Winnebago,
and at five dollars per acre for the residue of the
lands in said township of Stockbridge. Purchasers of
lots, on which improvements were made by Stockbridge
Indians shall pay, in addition to the said minimum
price, the appraised value of such improvements. To
actual settlers on any of said lots possessing the
qualifications requisite to acquire pre-emption
rights, or being civilized persons of Indian
descent, not members of any tribe, who shall prove,
to the satisfaction of the register of the land
district to which the township of Stockbridge shall
be attached, that he or she has made improvements to
the value of not less than fifty dollars on such
lot, and that he or she is actually residing on it;
the time of paying the purchase-price may be
extended for a term not exceeding three years from
the ratification hereof, as shall be deemed
advisable by the President of the United States,
provided, that no such actual settler shall be
permitted to pre-empt, in the manner aforesaid, more
than one lot, or two contiguous lots, on which he
has proved to have made improvements exceeding the
value of one hundred dollars. The residue of said
lots shall be brought into market as other
Government lands are offered for sale, and shall not
be sold at a less price than the said minimum price;
and all said sales shall be made, and the patents
provided for in these articles shall be issued in
accordance with the survey made in conformity to
said act of March third, one thousand eight hundred
and forty-three, unless, in the opinion of the
Secretary of the Interior, a new survey shall be
deemed necessary and proper.
The United States agree to pay,
within one year after the ratification of this
agreement, the appraised value of the improvements
upon the lands herein ceded and relinquished to the
United States, to the individuals claiming the same,
the valuation of such improvements, to be made by a
person to be selected by the superintendent of
Indian affairs for the northern superintendency, and
not to exceed, in the aggregate, the sum of five
thousand dollars.
The hereinafter named Stockbridge
Indians, having become sufficiently advanced in
civilization, and being desirous of separating from
the Stockbridge tribe, and of enjoying the
privileges granted to persons of Indian descent by
the State of Wisconsin, and in consideration of
ceding and relinquishing to the United States all
their rights in the lands and annuities of the
Stockbridge tribe of Indians, and in the annuities,
money, or land, to which said Indians now are or may
hereafter be entitled, the United States agree to
issue patents in fee-simple to the said Stockbridge
Indians to the lots of land, at the town of
Stockbridge, described and set opposite their names.
Names of persons. | Lots to be patented to them. | Lots, the privilege of entering which on the same terms of payment as prescribed for actual settlers in article 14 is granted. | |
John Moore | 9, | 38, and 105 | 226 and 187 |
Job Moore | 69, | 176 and 191 | 280 |
Sopha Moore | 177 | ||
Caleb Moore | 223 | ||
Elizabeth Moore | 234 | ||
Henry Moore | 264 | 233 | |
Daniel Davids’ heirs | 47, | N. half 48, 60 | |
John Littleman’s heirs | 113 | ||
Jane Dean’s heirs | 30 | ||
A. Miller’s heirs | 14 | ||
Mary McAllister | N. | half 280 | S. half 280 |
Hope Welch | 284 | ||
Catharine Mills | S. | half 194 | N. half 194 |
Nancy Hom | N. | half 270 | S. half 270 |
Margaret Beaulieu | N. | half 238 | S. half 238 |
Sally Shenandoah | 76 | ||
Jacob Moore | 233 | 190 |
Martha Moore, wife of Jacob Moore | 253 | ||
Betsey Manague | N. | half 349 | S. half 349 |
Levy Konkapot | 61, | 152 | |
Mary Hendrick | 78 | ||
John W. Abrams | 59 |
The said Mary Hendrick, and Levy Konkapot, John W. Abrams to have the privilege of joining again the said Stockbridges and Munsees in their new location.
So much of the treaties of September third, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and of November twenty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, as is in contravention or in conflict with the stipulations of this agreement, is hereby abrogated and annulled.
This instrument shall be binding upon the contracting parties whenever the same shall be ratified by the President and the Senate of the United States. In testimony whereof, the said Francis Huebschmann, commissioner as aforesaid, and the chiefs, headmen, and members of the said Stockbridge and Munsee tribes, and the said delegates of the Munsees of New York, have hereunto set their hands and seals at the place and on the day and year herein before written.
Francis Huebschmann, | |||
Commissioner on the part of the United States. | |||
Ziba T. Peters, sachem, | |||
John N. Chicks, | |||
Jeremiah Slingerland, |
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Counsellors. | |
John W. Abrams, | |||
Levi Konkapot, | |||
Joshua Willson, | |||
Delegate of Munsees of New York. | |||
Thomas S. Branch, | |||
Jacob Davids, | |||
John W. Quinney, jr., | |||
Timothy Jourden, | |||
John Yoccom, | |||
William Mohawk, | |||
Delegate of Munsees of New York. | |||
George T. Bennett, | |||
Jacob Konkapot, | |||
Jessee Jourden, | |||
Jeremiah Bennett, | |||
Isaac Jacobs, | |||
James Joshua, | |||
Benjamin Pye, 2d, | |||
John Hendricks, | |||
Eli Williams, | |||
Cornelius Anthony, | |||
Lewis Hendrick, | |||
Adam Davids, | |||
Elias Konkapot, | |||
Jediehal Wilber, | |||
William Gardner, | |||
Stephen Gardner, | |||
Simeon Gardner, | |||
Polly Bennett, | |||
Eleanor Charles, | |||
Mary Hendrick, | |||
Susan Hendrick, | |||
Joseph Doxtator, | |||
Joseph L. Chicks, | |||
Solomon Davids, |
Roll and census made in conformity to Article 5 of the foregoing treaty.
Names.–Census of the Munsees of New York, included in the treaty of September 3, 1839. | Men. | Women. | Children. | Total. |
Isaac Durkee | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
William Mohawk | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Titus Mohawk | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Thomas Snake’s widow | – | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Austin Half White | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Clarissa Spragg | – | 1 | 7 | 8 |
George Moses | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Jonathan Waterman | 1 | 1 | 5 | 7 |
Jonathan Titus | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Levy Halftown | 1 | 1 | 7 | 9 |
Jefferson Halftown | 1 | 1 | – | 2 |
Eunice Red Eye | – | 1 | 5 | 6 |
John Wilson | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Joshua Wilson | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
John N. Chicks | 1 | – | 3 | 4 |
Jeremiah Slingerland | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
John W. Abrams | 1 | 1 | 4 | 6 |
Ziba T. Peters | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Levy Konkapot | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Thomas S. Branch | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Jacob Davids | 1 | 1 | 4 | 6 |
John W. Quinney, jr | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Timothy Jourdan | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
John Yoccum | 1 | 1 | 4 | 6 |
George T. Bennet | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Jacob Konkapot | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Jesse Jourdan | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Jeremiah Bennet | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Isaac Jacobs | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
James Joshua | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Benjamin Pye, 2d | 1 | 2 | 4 | 7 |
John P. Hendricks | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Eli Williams | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Cornelius Anthony | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Lewis Hendrick | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Adam Davids | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Elias Konkapot | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Jedediah Wilber | 1 | – | – | 1 |
William Gardner | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Stephen Gardner | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Simeon Gardner | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Polly Bennett | – | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Eleanor Charles | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Mary Hendrick | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Susannah Hendrick | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Joseph Doxtater | 1 | 1 | – | 2 |
Joseph L. Chicks | 1 | – | 3 | 4 |
James Chicks | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Solomon Davids | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Elizabeth Bowman | – | 1 | 3 | 4 |
Humble Jourdan | 1 | 1 | – | 2 |
Phebe Pye | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Jacob Jacobs | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Aaron Konkapot | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Jeremiah Gardiner | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Andrew Wilber | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Prudence Quinney | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Bethseba Wright | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Alonzo Quinney | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Rebecca Thompson | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Peter Bennett, sen | 1 | 1 | 4 | 6 |
Peter Bennett, jr | 1 | 1 | – | 2 |
Daniel Gardner | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Bathseba Brown | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Dennis T. Turkey | 1 | 1 | – | 2 |
Benjamin Pye, 3d | 1 | 1 | 4 | 6 |
Abram Pye, sen | 1 | – | 2 | 3 |
Abram Pye, jr | 1 | – | – | 1 |
David Pye | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Elizabeth Doxtater | – | 1 | 4 | 5 |
Margaret Davids | – | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Cornelius Aaron | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Anna Turkey | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Phebe Skicket | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Louisa Konkapot | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Elizabeth Aaron | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Rebecca Aaron | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Benjamin Pye, 4th | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Paul Pye | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Jackson Chicks and one other orphan, heirs of Josiah Chicks | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Electa W. Candy | 1 | 1 | 4 | 6 |
Cornelius Yoccum | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Harriet Jourdan | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Levina Pye | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Charlotte Palmer | – | 1 | 3 | 4 |
Remona Miller | – | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Hannah Turkey | – | 1 | 3 | 4 |
Bigdeer | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Elizabeth Wilber | – | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Harvey Johnson | 1 | 1 | 7 | 9 |
Mary Eliza Butler | – | 1 | 3 | 4 |
Thomas Tousey | 1 | 1 | 6 | 8 |
Chester Tousey | 1 | 1 | 5 | 7 |
Daniel Tousey | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Sarah Tousey | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Philena Pye, 1st | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Lucinda Quinney | – | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Eliza Franks | – | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Lucinda Gardner | – | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Mary Jane Bowman | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Debby Baldwin | – | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Edward Bowman | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Moses Smith | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Dolly Doxtater | – | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Polly Smith | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Aaron Smith, (Hannah Smith) | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Polly Konkapot | – | 1 | – | 1 |
John Lewis | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Peter D. Littleman | 1 | 1 | 4 | 6 |
Clarissa Miller | – | 1 | – | 1 |
John P. Quinney, (absent) | 1 | 1 | – | 2 |
Paul Quinney, (absent) | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Charles Stevens | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Samuel Stevens | 1 | 1 | – | 2 |
Samuel Miller | – | 1 | 4 | 5 |
John Metoxen, sen | 1 | 1 | – | 2 |
Simeon S. Metoxen | 1 | 1 | 4 | 6 |
Nicholas Palmer | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Daniel Metoxen | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Moses Doxtator | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Darius Charles | 1 | – | 2 | 3 |
Catharine Butterfield | – | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Washington Quinney | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Ezekiel Robinson | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Sally Pye | – | 1 | 2 | 3 |
James Palmer | 1 | – | 2 | 3 |
Jonas Thompson | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
William Thompson | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Austin E. Quinney | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
John Beaman | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Simeon Quinney | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Elizabeth Palmer | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Margaret Miller | – | 1 | 2 | 3 |
William Miller | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Zachariah Miller | 1 | 1 | – | 2 |
Solomon Duchamp | 1 | – | – | 1 |
John Metoxen, jr | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Joseph M. Quinney | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Mary Quinney | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Frelinghuysen Quinney | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Bartholomew Bowman | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Lewis Bowman | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Commissioner on the part of the United States.
ZIBA T. PETERS, Sachem.Roll and census of Stockbridges and Munsees who prefer to remain at Stockbridge according to article 16.
Names. | Men. | Women. | Children. | Total. | |||
John Moore | 1 | – | – | 1 | |||
Job Moore |
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1 | 1 | 6 | 8 | ||
Sophia Moore | – | 1 | – | 1 | |||
Caleb Moore | – | – | – | – | |||
Elizabeth Moore | – | – | – | – | |||
Henry Moore | 1 | – | 1 | 2 | |||
Diana Davids | – | 1 | – | 1 | |||
Mary Ann Littleman | – | 1 | 1 | 2 | |||
Mary Jane Dean |
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Children of Jane Dean. |
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– | – | 1 | 1 |
Daniel P. Dean | – | – | 1 | 1 | |||
John W. Dean | – | – | 1 | 1 | |||
Dideema Miller | – | 1 | – | 1 | |||
Darius Davids | 1 | – | – | 1 | |||
Mary McAllister | – | – | 1 | 1 | |||
Hope Welch | – | 1 | – | 1 | |||
Catharine Mills | – | 1 | – | 1 | |||
Nancy Hom | – | 1 | – | 1 | |||
Margaret Beaulieu | – | 1 | 5 | 6 | |||
Sally Schenandoah | – | 1 | 2 | 3 | |||
Betsey Manague | – | 1 | 5 | 6 | |||
Jacob Moore | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Commissioner on the part of the United States.
Office of Indian Affairs, March 3, 1856.
SIR: Referring to
my last two annual reports, where the embarrassed condition of the
Stockbridge and Munsee Indians is discussed, and to the paragraph of the
general Indian appropriation bill, of the 3d March, 1855, Stat. at
Large, vol. x, p. 699, where there is appropriated, “for the purpose of
enabling the President to treat with, and arrange the difficulties
existing among the Stockbridge and Munsee
Indians, of Lake Winnebago, in the State of Wisconsin,
arising out of the acts of Congress of third March, eighteen hundred and
forty-three, and August sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, and the
treaty of twenty-fourth of November, eighteen hundred and forty-eight,
in such manner as may be just to the Indians, and with their assent, and
not inconsistent with the legal rights of white persons who may reside
on the Stockbridge reserve, of the claim of the United States under the
treaty of eighteen hundred and forty-eight, the sum of fifteen hundred
dollars;” and also to the treaty which was made between these Indians
and Superintendent Francis Huebschmann, during the last summer, which,
for reasons then given you, was disapproved of, I have now the honor to
send up a treaty concluded with them on the 5th ultimo, by
Superintendent Huebschmann, the provisions of which are approved by me,
and would recommend, if you agree, that it may be laid before the
President, to the end, if approved by him, that it may be sent to the
Senate for its constitutional action thereon.
And I herewith
transmit a copy of the letter of the superintendent sending on said
treaty, together with a copy of a power of attorney from certain Munsees
to Isaac Durkee, William Mohawk, and Joshua Wilson [Are the persons Munsee or Stockbridge?], for purposes
therein indicated.
I would merely remark that, by locating the
Stockbridges in Wisconsin instead of Minnesota about $20,000 of expense
would be saved in removal, while a location in Minnesota could not be
more out of the way of the whites, and the lands there would be worth to
the Government at least as much as the price to be paid the Menomonee's.
Very respectfully,
your obedient servant,
Secretary of the Interior.
Milwaukie, February 23, 1856.
I have the honor to enclose a treaty with the
Stockbridges and Munsees, concluded in conformity to your instructions.
In consequence of the complicated difficulties at Stockbridge, and the
factious spirit ruling among the Indians, the task imposed upon me was
not an easy one, and required extraordinary patience and forbearance. I
believe I have used all proper means to make the arrangement
contemplated by the treaty as acceptable to all parties interested as
could be expected under the circumstances. However, about one-fifth of
the Indians, headed by Austin E. Quinney, and mostly consisting
of members of the Quinney family, did not sign the treaty, but without
giving any sensible reason. The only two objections raised by Austin E.
Quinney to the draft of the treaty were: First, That the issuing
of patents to lands, to be apportioned to the individuals of the tribe,
was contemplated. This objection was virtually obviated by amending the
treaty, so that the application for a patent to be made after ten years,
has first to be consented to by the general council of the Stockbridges
and Munsees.
His second objection was, that there was no
provision made for the payment of a claim he himself has against the
tribe. Though I invited him to submit the claim to me for examination,
he did not do so, and, from what I learned from himself and others, it
appears that it would, if submitted, not bear very accurate examination,
as about half of it is made up of high charges for meals furnished
councillors of the Stockbridges, and the other half for funds advanced
to one certain Chandler, on his share of the twenty thousand
dollars to be paid under the amendment to the treaty of 1848 for
procuring the adoption of the said amendment.
The real objection
on the part of the Quinneys to the re-organization of the Stockbridges
and Munsees under this treaty is, no doubt, the certainty staring them
in the face, that their rule over the tribe will be at an end if the
treaty is ratified. To show what use this family has made of their power
over the tribe, I will only mention a few instances. Though claiming to
hold their lands again in commonalty in consequence of the law of August
6, 1846, Austin E. Quinney, by barter and trade carried on with
widows and other Indians, and by advancing to them a few provisions,
pretended to have bought their lots of land, and, under the treaty of
1848, he not only received pay for the improvements on all these lands,
(1,440 acres,) $2,760.63, but of the sixteen thousand five hundred
dollars paid under V article of treaty of 1848 he received $3,083, while
under a proper per capita apportionment, the share of his family would
not have been much more than about three hundred dollars. The interest
of the $16,500, to be paid “as other annuities are paid by the United
States,” has been apportioned in direct violation of the said treaty
until the Stockbridge affairs came under my superintendence, in the same
manner as the $16,500 under article 5 had peen paid; and for the benefit
of Sam’l Miller, even that illegal apportionment was falsified so as to
pay him one-half of $1,662.50, and the interest on the other half
instead of $412.50, the proportion to which he would have been entitled
by the quantity of land held by him at the treaty of 1848. Austin E.
Quinney realized about a thousand dollars more by selling his pretended
right of occupancy to lots, so that it appears, that he has received
about seven thousand dollars in addition to what he has received of the
money paid to his tribe by the State of New York, and it is no doubt
mortifying to him that his share of moneys hereafter, is to be no larger
than that of any other member of the tribe. A great part of the funds
received from the State of New York has been used by the Quinney
family for their own aggrandizement and the sending of delegations to
Washington; and the wishes of a majority of the Stockbridges in
relation to the application of those funds, have been frequently
disregarded, and at the present time Sam’l Miller has been sent by
Austin E. Quinney as delegate to Washington with a part of those funds,
in direct opposition to the wishes of the majority.
I proposed to
Austin E. Quinney and his followers to patent to them lands at
Stockbridge, and to make other stipulations favorable to them, if they
preferred to remain there and to separate from the tribe; but as they
would not declare their willingness to accept of such provisions, and as
Quinney declared that he would probably desire to remove with the others
if the lands to be selected were of good quality, and deeming it more
beneficial to them that they should remove with the others and be
settled by themselves, if they preferred it, in some corner of the new
reservation, I did not feel prompted to provide for thier remaining at
Stockbridge, and increased the sums to be paid in proportion to their
I had made no secret, since my visit to Stockbridge during
the fore part of December last, of the arrangement contemplated in
relation to lands and land-titles at Stockbridge, (articles 13 and 14,)
and it appeared generally satisfactory to white settlers; yet there will
be always found meddlesome individuals, and it appears that, at the
request of a resident of Stockbridge, who, however, has no land himself,
a lawyer of Green Bay had drawn up a petition or memorial asking
the treaty to be amended.
When I saw the document no names were
attached to it, and I have not inquired afterwards if it has been signed
by anybody and forwarded. I read it very hastily, but it left the
impression upon my mind that little legal knowledge was displayed by its
author. Since the authority to issue patents, given by the law of 1843,
was destroyed by the repealing act of 1846, and the list of patents to
lots to be granted under the treaty of 1848 is imperfect and incorrect,
the settlers at Stockbridge, if they understand it, will be the last to
object to authority being granted to the proper officer to issue
patents; and the investigation of sales made by Indians provided for, I
think, will not be seriously objected to, except by such who are afraid
that the consideration paid by them would be found to have consisted of
The minimum price fixed in the treaty for the land to be
sold by the United States Government is not too high nor unjust to any
class of the settlers of Stockbridge. Those who settled there shortly
after the treaty of 1848, and bought out, for a small consideration, the
right of occupancy of Indians, to their houses, clearings, and fields,
have since mostly confined themselves to cultivating the fields already
made and raised fine crops, without paying any taxes or bearing any of
the hardships of a new settlement. It has not been so much by their
labor that these lands have become valuable, as by the settlements and
improvements made in the surrounding country and the general prosperity
of the State. The settlers who have recently squatted on lots of land at
Stockbridge, have gone there with the perfect knowledge of the price
which was expected to be fixed on those lands, and since it has become
known that the treaty was signed, that part of the State has been under
great excitement, and many have flocked to Stockbridge to make claims
and to avail themselves of the privileges contemplated to be extended to
actual settlers by the treaty. It is feared that there are even more
settlers and claimants than lots of land, and if the price should be
reduced the excitement would, no doubt, become more intense, and the
land-officers would find it more difficult to settle the conflicting
claims. The privilege of entering lands at the terms of payment as
prescribed for actual settlers in article 14, granted to a number of
Indians by article 16, was considered by all as very valuable, which
seems to prove beyond a doubt that the price is considered very
moderate. If the petition above referred to has been signed generally by
the settlers at Stockbridge, they have done so in consequence of its
being represented to them that it could do no harm to try to get the
lands from the Government at a less price, and not because the price is
too high or unjust to any one of them. A power of attorney of the Munsees of New York to their
delegate is herewith enclosed.
Very respectfully,
your obedient servant,
Commissioner of Indian Affairs,
Washington, D. C.
Know all men that
by these presents we make, constitute, and appoint Isaac Durkee,
William Mohawk, and Joshua Wilson, or either two of them in the
absence of the other, to receive from the commissioner of the United
States the share of us, and each of us, and our families in money,
which, in consideration of annuities due us from the United States, or
by virtue and effect of a treaty which it is understood, is about to be
made between the United States and the Stockbridge and Munsee tribes of
Indians, we are informed will be our due, and will be paid to us by the
said commissioner, or by the superintendent of Indian affairs for
Wisconsin. And we hereby authorize our attorneys as aforesaid to give
receipts and vouchers to the said commissioner or superintendent, as may
be right, or he may require; our intention being that our said attorneys
shall transmit to us, in the State of New York, said moneys, to
enable us immediately to remove to, improve and subsist in our new homes
in the State of Wisconsin.
Hereby ratifying the acts of our
attorneys in the premises.
In witness whereof, we have hereunto set
our hands and seals, this, — day of January, A. D. 1856.
In presence of—
Cattaraugus County, ss.
On this 19th day
of January, A. D. 1856, came before me Isaac
Durkee, William Mohawk, Titus Mohawk, Austin Half White, Clarissa
Spragg, George Moses, Jonathan Watersnake, Jonathan Titus, Levy Half
Town, Jefferson Half Town, proven to me by the oath of George Jamison, to me well known, to be the individuals who signed
and executed the within instrument of attorney, and acknowledged that
they executed it freely.
GEORGE JAMISON, his x mark.
Sworn and
subscribed before me, this 19th day of January, 1856.
Justice of the Peace.
[None of the names from this treaty are
in the PERSONALITIES section. Editor]
May 30, 1860. 12 Stat., 1129. Ratified July 27, 1860. Proclaimed August 22, 1860.
Articles of the agreement and convention made and
concluded at Sarcoxieville, on the Delaware reservation, this thirtieth
day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, by Thomas B. Sykes, as
a commissioner on the part of the United States, and following named
chiefs of the Delaware tribe of Indians, viz:
John Conner, head chief
of the whole tribe; Sar-cox-ie, chief of the Turtle band;
chief of the Wolf band; Rock-a-to-wha, chief of the Turkey band, and
assistants to the said chief, chosen and appointed by the people, and James Connor,
chosen by the said chief as delegate.
By the first article of the treaty made and concluded at
the city of Washington, on the sixth day of May, one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-four, between George W. Manypenny, commissioner on the
part of the United States, and certain delegates of the Delaware tribe
of Indians, which treaty was ratified by the Senate of the United States
on the eleventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty- four,
there was reserved, as a permanent home for the said tribe, that part of
their country lying east and south of a line beginning at a point on the
line between the Delawares and the Half-breed Kansas
[Kansas Tribe], forty miles in a
direct line west of the boundary between the Delawares
and Wyandottes,
thence north ten miles; thence in an easterly course to a point on the
south bank of Big Island Creek, which shall also be on the bank of the
Missouri river, where the usual high-water line of said creek intersects
the high-water line of said river. And by the eleventh article of said
treaty it was stipulated that "at any time hereafter when the
Delawares desire it, and at their request and expense, the President may
cause the country reserved for their permanent home, to be surveyed in
the same manner as the ceded country is surveyed, and may assign such
portion to each person or family as shall be designated by the principal
men of the tribe: Provided, such assignment shall be uniform." The Delawares having represented to the government that
it is their wish that a portion of the lands reserved for their home may
be divided among them in the manner contemplated by the eleventh article
of the treaty aforesaid, it is hereby agreed by the parties hereto, that
the said reservation shall be surveyed as early as practicable after the
ratification of these articles of agreement and convention, in the same
manner that the public lands are surveyed; and to each member of the
Delaware tribe there shall be assigned a tract of land containing eighty
acres, to include in every case, as far as practicable, a reasonable
portion of timber, to be selected according to the legal subdivisions of
The division and assignment in severalty among the Delawares of the
land shall be made in a compact body, under the direction of the
Secretary of the Interior, and his decision of all questions arising therefrom shall be final and conclusive. Certificates shall be issued by
the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, for the tracts assigned in
severalty, specifying the names of the individuals to whom they have
been assigned respectively, and that the said tracts are set apart for
the exclusive use and benefit of the assignees and their heirs. And said
tracts shall not be alienable in fee, leased, or otherwise disposed of,
except to the United States or to members of the Delaware tribe, and
under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary
of the Interior; and the said tracts shall be exempt from levy,
taxation, sale, or forfeiture, until otherwise provided by Congress.
Prior to the issue of the certificates aforesaid, the Secretary of the
Interior shall make such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary
or expedient, respecting the disposition of any of said tracts, in
case of the death of the person or persons to whom they may be assigned,
so that the same shall be secured to the families of such deceased
persons. And should any of the Indians to whom tracts shall be assigned,
abandon them, the said Secretary make take such action in relation to
the proper disposition thereof, as, in his judgment, may be necessary
and proper. The improvements of the Indians residing on the lands to be
sold shall be valued by the United States, and the individual owners
thereof shall receive the amount realized from the sale of same, to be
expended in building other improvements for them on the lands retained.
The Delaware tribe of Indians, entertaining the belief
that the value of their lands will be enhanced by having a
railroad passing through their present reservation, and being of the
opinion that the Leavenworth, Pawnee, and Western Railroad Company,
incorporated by an act of the legislative assembly of Kansas Territory,
will have the advantage of travel and general transportation over every
other company proposed to be formed, which will run through their lands,
have expressed a desire that the said Leavenworth, Pawnee, and Western
Railroad Company shall have the preference of purchasing the remainder
of their lands after the tracts in severalty and those for the special
objects herein named shall have been selected and set apart, upon the
payment into the United States treasury, which payment shall be made
within six months after the quantity shall have been ascertained, in
gold or silver coin, of such a sum as three commissioners, to be
appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, shall appraise to be the
value of said land: Provided, in no event shall the value be
place below the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre,
exclusive of the cost of the survey of the same. (And that the United
States will issue a patent in fee-simple to said company, upon the
payment as aforesaid, for all the land remaining in Kansas.) It is,
therefore, agreed by the United States that the wishes of the Delawares
shall be granted; that they will accept of the trust reposed upon them;
and that the money resulting from such disposition of the lands shall be
disposed of and applied in the same manner provided for by the seventh
and eighth articles of the Delaware treaty of six May, one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-four, after expending a sufficient sum to enable
them to commence agricultural pursuits under favorable
circumstances. It is also agreed that the said railroad company shall
have the perpetual right of way over any portion of the lands allotted
to the Delawares in severalty, upon payment of a just compensation,
therefore, in money, to the respective parties whose lands are crossed
by the line of railroad. It being the intent and meaning of the
Delawares, in consenting to the sale of their surplus lands to said
company, that they should, in good faith, and within a reasonable time,
construct a railroad through their reservation, and to carry out this
intent as well as to secure so great a public convenience, it is agreed
that no patent shall issue for any of these lands nor shall the sale be
binding upon the Delaware Indians or the United States, until the
Secretary of the Interior shall be fully satisfied that a line of
twenty-five miles of the road from Leavenworth City shall have been
completed and equipped, when a patent shall issue for one-half of the
ascertained quantity. The patent for the residue shall issue only when
the said Secretary shall be satisfied that the road has been, in like
manner, completed and equipped to the western boundary of the Delaware
reservation. And if the said company shall fail or neglect to construct
either the first or second section of the road, or having constructed
the first section and fail to complete the second section within a
reasonable time they shall forfeit to the United States all rights to
the lands not previously patented, and the certificate of purchase shall
be deemed and considered cancelled. And provided further, That in
case the said company shall fail to make payment for the lands or fail
to construct the road, as hereinbefore stipulated, within a reasonable
time, the surplus lands shall be disposed of by the Secretary of the
Interior, at public auction, in quantities not exceeding one hundred and
sixty acres; but, in no case for a sum less than the appraised value,
the net proceeds to be applied in the same manner as heretobefore
specified: And provided further, That the said railroad company
shall, finally, and in good faith, sell and dispose of all said lands
within seven years after receiving the patent therefor, except what may
be necessary for railroad purposes; and in default thereof so much
thereof as may remain undisposed of shall revert to the Delaware nation,
to be disposed of as herein provided for other
forfeited lands
Whereas some years ago a good many of the Delawares went
down among the Southern Indians, and as there are still about two
hundred of them there, they have reason to believe they will return
soon, it is hereby agreed that eighty acres each be set apart for them,
to be allotted to them as they return, and certificates to be then
issued to them, in the same manner as those now within the reservation,
and in every respect to be governed by the same rules and regulations
prescribed for the government of the lands reserved by the preceding
articles, that until they return the allotments set apart for belong to
the nation in common.
There shall be reserved three hundred and twenty acres
of ground where the mill, and school-house, and Ketchum's store now
stand; three hundred and twenty acres where the council-house now is;
one hundred and sixty acres where the Baptist mission now is; one
hundred and sixty acres where the agency house now is; forty acres where
the Methodist Episcopal Church South now is; forty acres where the
Methodist Episcopal Church North now is; which several tracts, with the
improvements thereupon, shall be disposed of when the objects for which
they have been reserved shall have been accomplished, in such manner and
for such purposes as the Secretary of the Interior shall determine to be
just and equitable, for the benefit of the Delawares.
By article fourteen of the treaty between the Delawares
and the United States, of May six, one thousand eight hundred and
fifty-four, ratified by the Senate July eleven, eighteen hundred and
fifty-four, the United States bound herself to protect them and their
rights: and that whereas, that depredations of various kinds have been
committed upon them and their lands, it is hereby agreed that the United
States shall pay them, within twelve months from the ratification of
these articles of treaty and convention, thirty thousand dollars as
indemnity, for timber that has been cut off from their reservation by
the whites, and nine thousand five hundred dollars as indemnity for
ponies and cattle that have been stolen from them by the whites since
their last treaty with the United States. It is further stipulated that
should the Senate of the United States refuse this article, it shall in
no wise effect the validity of the other articles, or prejudice the
rights of the Delawares to appeal to the Congress of the United States
for the indemnities hereby agreed upon. It is further understood that, at the treaty between the
Delawares and the United States, made September twenty-nine, of one
thousand eighteen hundred and twenty-four, the boundary of the
reservation then set apart for them included the Half-breed Kansas
lands; but it afterwards proved that the United States had previously
set apart these lands for the Half-breed Kaws, and by that means they
have been kept out of the use and benefit of said lands; it is,
therefore, hereby agreed that a fair valuation shall be made by the
United States upon such lands, under the direction of the Secretary of
the Interior, and that the amount of said valuation shall be paid the
In consideration of the long and faithful services of
the chiefs of the Delaware nation, and of the interpreter, who is also a
member of the nation, it is further agreed that the said chiefs and the
interpreter shall have allotted to each a tract of land, to be selected
by themselves, and shall receive a patent in fee-simple therefor from
the President of the United States, viz: John Conner, principal chief,
six hundred and forty acres; Sar-cox-ie, chief of the Turtle band,
hundred and twenty acres; Roc-a-to-wha, chief of the Turkey band, three
hundred and twenty acres; Ne-con-he-con, chief of the Wolf band, three
hundred and twenty acres, and Henry Tiblow, interpreter,
three hundred and twenty acres; the lines of
each tract to conform to the legal subdivision of
survey. It is further agreed that, from the money as
paid the Delaware tribe of Indians, in accordance
with article number ten of this treaty, the chiefs
of said tribe of Indians shall appropriate one
thousand five hundred dollars as the annual salary
of the councilmen of the said tribe of Indians.
Any stipulation in former treaties, inconsistent with
those embraced in the foregoing articles shall be of no force or effect.
As these articles are entered into for the sole use and
benefit of the Delaware Indians, it is understood that the expenses
incident to carrying them into effect shall be defrayed from the funds
of said Indians, held in trust for them by the United States.
The interest accruing to the Delawares under the former
treaties, and that which may accrue under this, shall be paid on the
first of April and the first of October in each year. In testimony
whereof, the said Thomas B. Sykes, commissioner as aforesaid, and the
said delegates of the Delaware tribe of Indians have hereunto set their
hands and seals, at the place and on the day and year hereinbefore
[United States:]
Thomas B. Sykes, Commissioner.
John Connor, Head Chief,
Sar-cox-ie, or The Highest, Assistant Chief,
Ne-con-he-con, or Bounding Ahead, Assistant Chief.
Rock-a-to-wha, or Sun Rise, Assistant Chief,
James Connor, or Ah-la-a-chick.
Signed in the presence of--Henry Tiblow, United States interpreter,
James Findlay, William G. Bradshaw,
Samuel Priestley,
Thomas S. Gladding.
* * *
* * *
Articles of agreement and convention at the
city of Washington on the nineteenth day of
July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-six, between the United States,
represented by Dennis N. Cooley, Commissioner of Indian Affairs,
[and] Elijah Sells, superintendent of Indian
affairs for the southern superintendency,
and the
Cherokee Nation of Indians,
represented by its delegates, James McDaniel, Smith Christie, White Catcher, S II.
Benge, J. B. Jones, and Daniel H. Ross--John
Ross, principal chief of the Cherokees,
being too unwell to join in these negotiations.
PREAMBLE. Whereas existing
treaties between the United States and the Cherokee
Nation are deemed to be be insufficient, the said
contracting parties agree as follows, viz:
Article 1.
The pretended treaty made with
the so-called
Confederate States by the Cherokee Nation
on the seventh day of October, eighteen hundred and
sixty-one, and repudiated by the national council of
the Cherokee Nation on the eighteenth day of
February, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, is
hereby declared to be void.
Article 2.
Amnesty is hereby declared by the United States
and the Cherokee Nation for all crimes and
misdemeanors committed by one Cherokee person on the
person or property of another Cherokee, or of a
citizen of the United States, prior to the fourth
day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-six; and no
right of action arising out of wrongs committed in
aid or suppression of the rebellion shall be
prosecuted in the courts of the United States or in
the courts of the Cherokee Nation.
[Only the
portion dealing with or pertaining to the Delaware
has been entered at this time.]
Article 15.
The United States may settle any civilized Indians,
friendly with the Cherokees and adjacent tribes,
within the Cherokee country, on the unoccupied lands
east of 96 [degrees], on such terms as may be agreed
upon by any tribe and the Cherokees, subject5 to the
approval of the President of the United States,
which shall be consistent with the following
provisions, viz: Should any such tribe or band of
Indians settling in said country abandon their
tribal organization, there being paid into the
Cherokee national fund a sum of money which shall
sustain the same proportion to the then existing
national fund that the number of Indians sustain to
the whole number of Cherokees then residing in the
Cherokee country, they shall be incorporated into
and ever after remain a part f the Cherokee Nation,
on equal terms in every respect with native
citizens. And should any such tribe, thus settling
in said country, decide to preserve their national
organizations, and to maintain their tribal laws,
customs, and usages, not inconsistent with the
constitution and laws of the Cherokee Nation. they
shall have a district of country set off for their
own use by metes and bounds equal to one hundred and
sixty acres, if they so decide, for each man, woman,
and child of said tribe, and shall pay for the same
into the national fund such price and may be agreed
upon by them and the Cherokee Nation, subject to the
approval of the President of the United States, and
in cases of disagreement the price to be fixed by
the President. And the tribe thus settled shall also
pay into the national fund a sum of money, to be
agreed on by the respective parties, not greater in
proportion to the whole existing national fund and
the probable proceeds of the lands herein ceded or
authorized to be ceded or sold than their numbers
bear to the whole number of the Cherokees then
residing in said country, and thence afterwards they
shall enjoy all the rights of native Cherokees, But
no Indians who have no tribal organizations, or who
shall determine to abandon their tribal
organizations, shall be entitled to settle east of
the 96 [degree[ of longitude without the consent of
the Cherokee national council, or of a delegation
duly appointed by it, being first obtained.
And no Indians who have and determine to preserve
the tribal organizations shall be permitted to
settle, as herein provided, east of the 96 [degree]
without such consent being first obtained, unless
the President of the United States, after a full
hearing of the objections offered by said council or
delegation to such settlement, shall determine that
the objections are insufficient, in which case he
may authorize the settlement of such tribe east of
the 96 [degree] of longitude.
Article 16.
United States may settle friendly Indians in any
part of the Cherokee country west of 96 [degrees],
to be taken in a compact form in quantity not
exceeding one hundred and sixty acres for each
member of said tribes thus to be settled; the
boundaries of each of said districts to be
distinctly marked, and the land conveyed in
fee-simple to each of said tribes to be held in
common or by their members in severalty as the
United States may decide. Said lands this disposed
of to be paid for to the Cherokee Nation at such
price as may be agreed on between the said parties
in interest, subject to the approval of the
President; and if they should not agree, then the
price to be fixed by the President. The Cherokee
Nation to retain the right of possession of and
jurisdiction over said country west of 90 [degrees]
of longitude until thus sold and occupied,, after
which their jurisdiction and right of possession to
terminate forever as to each of said districts thus
sold and occupied. ARTICLE
The Cherokee Nation hereby cedes, in trust to
the United States, the tract of land in
the State of Kansas which was sold to the Cherokees
by the United States, under the provisions of the
second article of the treaty of 1835; and also that
strip of the land ceded to the nation by the fourth
article of said treaty which is included in the
State of Kansas, and the Cherokees consent that said
lands may be included in the limits and jurisdiction
of the said State.
The lands herein
ceded shall be surveyed as the public lands of the
United States are surveyed, under the direction of
the Commissioner of the General Land-Office, and
shall be appraised by two disinterested persons, one
to be designated by the Cherokee national council
and one by the Secretary of the Interior, and, in
case of disagreement by a third person, to be
mutually selected by the aforesaid appraisers. The
appraisement to be not less than an average of one
dollar and a quarter per acre, exclusive of
improvements. And the Secretary of the Interior
shall, from time to time, as such surveys and
appraisements are approved by him, after due
advertisements for sealed bids, sell such lands to
the highest bidders for cash, in parcels not
exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, and at not
less than the appraised value: Provided, That
whenever there are improvements of the value
of fifty dollars made on the lands not being
mineral, and owned and personally occupied by any
person for agricultural purposes at the date of the
signing hereof, such person so owning, and in person
residing on such improvements, shall, after due
proof, made under such regulations as the Secretary
of the Interior may prescribe, be entitled to buy,
at the appraised value, the smallest quantity of
land in legal subdivisions which will include his
improvements, not exceeding in the aggregate one
hundred and sixty acres; the expenses of survey and
appraisement to be paid by the Secretary out of the
proceeds of sale of said land: Provided, That
nothing in this article shall prevent the Secretary
of the Interior from selling the whole of said lands
not occupied by actual settlers at the date of the
ratification of this treaty, not exceeding one
hundred and sixty acres to each person entitled to
pre-emption under the pre-emption laws of the United
States, in a body, to any responsible party, for
cash, for a sum not less than one dollar per acre.
[There are 39 articles in all in this treaty. The
remaining articles are not of general interest to
the Delaware. The remainder of the text can be found
All provisions of
treaties heretofore ratified and in force, and not
inconsistent with the provisions of this
treaty, are hereby re-affirmed and declared to be in
full force; and nothing herein shall be construed as
an acknowledgment by the United States, or as a
relinquishment by the Cherokee Nation of any claims
or demands under the guarantees of former treaties,
except as herein expressly provided.
In testimony
whereof, the said commissioners on the part of the
United States, and the said delegation on the part
of the Cherokee Nation, have hereunto set their
hands and seals at the city of Washington, this ninth [nineteenth] day of July, A. D. one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-six.
D. N. Cooley,
Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
Superintendent of Indian Affairs.
Smith Christie,
James McDaniel,
S. H. Benge,
H. Ross,
J. B. Jones.
Delegates of the Cherokee
Nation, appointed by
Resolution of the National
In presence of—
W. H. Watson,
J. W. Wright.
Signatures witnessed by the following-named
persons, the following interlineations being made
before signing: On page 1st the word “the”
interlined, on page 11 the word “the” struck out,
and to said page 11 sheet attached requiring
publication of laws; and on page 34th the word
“ceded” struck out and the words “neutral lands”
inserted. Page 47˝ added relating to expenses of
Thomas Ewing, jr.
Wm. A. Phillips,
J. W. Wright.
* * *
The undersigned delegates from the Delaware Indians, in company with the delegates on behalf of the Cherokee Nation, have examined all the Cherokee Country west of the 96th degree that they thought would be suitable for the Delawares to settle in, and have decided that there is not sufficient good land in a body west of that line, that could be cultivated to meet the wants of the people and have, therefore. preserving their tribal organization. selected that part of the Little Verdigris or Canae, beginning at the Kansas line where the 96th meridian crosses the same and thence running east ten miles; thence south thirty miles; thence north to the place of beginning, subject to the conditions mentioned in the Cherokee Treaty with the U.S. of July 19, 1866. Under the provisions of said treaty, the price for the use of the same has to be agreed on by the two parties, subject to the approval of the President of the United States. (129) [Does this duplicate another entry? Need the date and source. Editor.]
* *
Articles of agreement made this 8th day of April, A.D. 1867, Between the Cherokee Nation, represented by William P. Ross, principal chief, Riley Keyes. and Jesse Bushyhead, delegates duly authorized, parties of the first part, and the Delaware tribe of Indians, represented by John Connor, principal chief, Charles Journeycake, assistant chief; Isaac Journeycake, and John Sarcoxie, delegates for and on behalf of said Delaware tribe, duly authorized, witnesseth:
Whereas by the fifteenth article of a certain treaty
between the United States and the Cherokee Nation,
ratified August 11, 1866, certain terms were
provided, under which friendly Indians might be
settled upon unoccupied lands in the Cherokee
country east of the ninety-sixth degree of west
longitude, the price to be paid for such lands to be
agreed on by the Indians to be thus located and the
Cherokee Nation, subject to the approval of the
President of the United States; and Whereas by a
treaty between the United States and the Delaware
tribe of Indians, ratified August 10, 1866, the
removal of the said Delawares to the Indian country
south of Kansas was provided for; and in the
fourth article whereof an agreement was made by the
United States to sell to the Delawares a tract of
land, being part of a tract the cession of which by
the Cherokees to the United States was then
contemplated; and whereas no such cession of land
was made by the Cherokees to the United States. but
in lieu thereof, terms were provided, as
hereinbefore mentioned, under which friendly Indians
might be settled upon their ands; and whereas a full
and free conference has been had between the
representatives of the Cherokees and the
Delawares, in view of the treaties herein referred
to, looking to a location of the Delawares upon the
Cherokee lands, and their consolidation with said
Cherokee Nation: Now, therefore, it is agreed
between the parties thereto. subject to the approval
of the President of the United States, as follows:
The Cherokees, parties of the first part. for and in
consideration of certain payments, and the
fulfillment of certain conditions hereinafter
mentioned, agree to sell to the Delawares, for their
occupancy, a quantity of land east of the line of
the ninety-sixth degree of west longitude, in the
aggregate equal to 160 acres for each individual of
the Delaware tribe who has been enrolled upon a
certain register made February 18, 1867, by the
Delaware agent, and on file in the office of Indian
Affairs, being the list of Delawares who elect to remove to the "Indian Country," to
which list may be added, only with the consent of
the Delaware council, the names of such other
Delawares as may, within one month after the
signing of this agreement, desire to be added
thereto, and the selections of the lands to be
purchased by the Delawares may be made by said
Delawares in any part of the Cherokee reservation
east of said line of ninety-sixth degree, not
already selected and in possession of other parties;
and in case the Cherokee lands shall hereafter be
allotted among the members of said nation, it is
agreed that the aggregate amount of land herein
provided for the Delawares, to include their
improvements according to the legal subdivisions
when surveys are made-that is to say, 160 acres for
each individual-shall be guaranteed to each Delaware
incorporated by these article as into the Cherokee
Nation, nor shall the continued ownership and
occupancy of said land by any Delaware so
registered be interfered with in any manner
whatever, without its consent, but shall be subject
to the same conditions and restrictions as are the
laws of the Cherokee Nation imposed upon native
citizens thereof.
Provided that nothing
herein shall confer the right to alienate. convey,
or dispose of any such lands, except in accordance
with the constitution and laws of said Cherokee
And the said Delawares, parties of the
second part, agree that there shall be paid to the
said Cherokees, from the Delaware funds now held or
hereafter received by the United States, a sum of
money equal to $1 per acre for the whole amount of
160 acres of land for every individual Delaware who
has already been registered upon the aforesaid list,
made February 18, 1867, with the additions thereto
heretobefore provided for.
And the Secretary of
the Interior is authorized and requested to sell any
United States stocks belonging to the Delawares
to procure funds necessary to pay for said lands;
but in case he shall not feel authorized, under
existing treaties, to sell such bonds belonging to
the Delawares, it is agreed that he may transfer
such United States bonds to the Cherokee Nation at
their market value, at the date of such transfer.
And the
said Delawares further agree that there shall be paid from
their funds now or hereafter to come into possession
of the United States, a sum of money which shall
sustain the same proportion to the existing Cherokee
national fund that the number of Delawares
registered as above mentioned and removing to the
Indian country sustains to the whole number of
Cherokees residing in the Cherokee Nation. And
for the purpose of ascertaining such relative
numbers, the registers of the Delawares herein referred to, with such additions as may be
made within one month from the signing of this
agreement, shall be the basis of calculation as to
the Delawares, and an accurate census of the
Cherokees residing in the Cherokee Nation shall be
taken under the laws of that nation within four
months, and properly certified copies thereof filed
in the office of Indian Affairs, which shall be the
basis of calculation as to the Cherokees
And that
there may be no doubt as to the amount to be
contributed to the Cherokee national fund by the
Delawares, it is hereby agreed by the parties hereto
that the whole amount of the invested funds of the
Cherokees, after deducting all just claims thereon,
is $678,000.
And the Delawares further agree,
that in calculating the total amount of said
national fund there shall be added to the said sum
of $678,000 the sum of $1,000,000 being the
estimated value of the Cherokee neutral lands in
Kansas, thus making the whole Cherokee national fund
1,678,000; and this last-mentioned sum shall be
taken as the basis for calculating the amount which
the by the Delawares are to pay into the common
fund. Provided, that as the 678,000 of funds now on
land belonging to the Cherokees is chiefly composed
of stocks of different values, the Secretary of the
Interior may transfer from the Delawares to the
Cherokees a proportion of the stocks now owned by
the Delawares of like grade and value, which
transfer shall be in part of the pro rata
contribution herein provided for by the Delawares to
said fund shall be in cash or United States bonds at
their market value. Delawares to the funds of the
Cherokee Nation; but the balance of the pro rata
contribution by the
[text missing]
All cash and all proceeds of stocks, whenever
the same may fall due or be sold, received by the
Cherokee from the Delawares under the agreement,
shall be invested and applied in accordance with the
twenty-third article of the treaty with the
Cherokees of August 11, 1866.
On the
fulfillment by the Delawares
of the foregoing stipulations, all members of
the tribe registered, as above provided, shall
become members of the Cherokee Nation with the same
rights and immunities, and the same participation
(and no other) in the national finds, as native
Cherokees save as hereinbefore provided.
And the children hereafter born of such
Delawares so incorporated into the Cherokee Nation
shall in all respects be regarded as native
Will P. Ross,
Principal Chief. Riley Keys, Cherokee
John Connor,
Principal Chief, Charles Journeycake,
Isaac Journeycake,
John Sarcoxie.
Executed and Delivered in our possession
by the above-named delegates of the Cherokee and
Delaware Nations, at the city of Washington,
in the District of Columbia, the day and year first
above written.
John G. Pratt, W. A. Phillips,
Edward S. Menageth. Department of the Interior,
April 11. 1867.
The within agreement between the Cherokee and the
Delaware tribes of Indians, concluded on the 8th
instant, and providing for united the two tribes as
contemplated by the Cherokee treaty of July 19,
1866, us respectfully submitted to the President,
with the recommendation that it be approved.
I. H Browning, Secretary.
Approved April
11, 1867. Andrew Johnson.
Ratified by the [Cherokee] National Committee, June
13th, 1867. Smith Christie, Jno. Young.
by the National Council, That
the Principal Chief be and he is hereby authorized
to appoint some suitable person or persons to
transcribe the Cherokee census rolls, and forward
copies of them to the Secretary of the Interior
at as early a day as it can be done. Also,
to call on the Secretary of the Interior for a copy
of the Delaware census roll.
[Do we have this?]
Tahlequah, C. N., June 17th, 1867. Approved:
* * *
The undersigned delegates from the
Delaware Indians, in company with the delegates
on behalf of the Cherokee Nation, have examined all
the Cherokee Country west of the 96th degree that
they thought would be suitable for the Delawares to
settle in, and have decided that there is not
sufficient good land in a body west of that line,
that could be cultivated to meet the wants of the
people and have, therefore, preserving their tribal
organization, selected that part of the Little
Verdigris or Canae, beginning at the Kansas
line where the 96th meridian crosses the same and
running thence south thirty miles; thence west ten
miles; thence north to the place of beginning,
subject to the conditions mentioned in the Cherokee
Treaty with the U.S. of July 19, 1866. Under the
provisions of said treaty, the price for the use of
the same has to be agreed upon by the two parties,
subject to the approval of the President of the U.S.
(A Lesson in Administrative Termination: An
Analysis of the Legal Statues of the Delaware
Tribe of Indians, pp. 13-14.)
[This is the Last
of the Treaties between the Delaware and the United
Published 10 July 2004. Times New Roman. Photo check A. TH