The contact for
those interested in Randolph Elementary School information is
Michelle Durkes. She and her husband, Kevin, are collecting memorabilia
and would welcome anything that you who attended Randolph would like to
contribute. Tier email address is
kdurkes40@cox.netHerewith her answer to my
letter on 26 July 2006:
It is always wonderful to hear from a former
Randolph student. I am the school historian for Randolph
Elementary, a place very dear to our hearts here in the Durkes
household. My husband attended Randolph in the late 60's and early
70's and then all four of our children attended there over a span
of about 18 years from the middle 80's until 2003. We have a
granddaughter who will start kindergarten there next fall (2007).
Randolph has been like a second home to us for many years. I am
honored to be able to discover and preserve all the history I can
about the school. Three years ago we held the 75th anniversary at
the school and I met many wonderful alumni, all with great stories
to tell. I had several of them come and speak to different classes
at Randolph to give the students a taste of what the school was
like over the first 75 years. The kids and teachers loved hearing
all about Randolph's past. I also had the 5th grade students each
interview an alumni from each of the years at Randolph so they
could get a one on one view of Randolph history. It was a great
project, the students learned so much and so did I. At the 75th
anniversary celebration I had everyone who attended fill out a
form telling me about themselves and when they attended the school
as well as any special memories they wanted to share. I also
arranged for the walkway out front to be uncovered and the
flowering crabapple trees to be re-planted as a 75th anniversary
commemorative project. One of my sons best friends was looking for
an Eagle Project for Boy Scouts and since he was an alumni of
Randolph I thought it made a perfect project. When the walkway was
uncovered and it was discovered to be just gravel we decided to
start a commemorative brick drive and so we have been selling
bricks for the walkway for three years now and we are about ready
to lay the final bricks. I would like to mail you one of the forms
for you to tell me a little about yourself and your history at the
school. I will also include a brick order form in case you would
like to be included in the walkway. I would love to have the
newspaper clippings and anything else you want to share for our
history collection. You can mail the form I send you back with
your donated history items to my home at --- 1737 SW Webster Ave.
Topeka, Ks 66604. Thank you so much for sharing some
historical items with me, I look forward to receiving them. It's
always so exciting to see and hear more about Randolph. I will be
happy to look through my alumni list and send you contact
information on anyone who attended during your years at Randolph.
I will get their permission to give out their information first,
of course. Please feel free to contact me anytime regarding
Randolph. Michelle Durkes, Randolph Historian
or Michelle Tel: 785-235-9483
Elementary School 1932-1938 (age 6 to age 13). Tommy walked to Randolph
Elementary School, about .6 mile away, twice a day, going home for lunch,
rain, snow or sunshine. Some streets had back alleys that added to the
variation of the walk. Sometimes I walked alone and sometimes with a
neighboring classmate.
 From Home at 1120 SW High Avenue to Randolph Elementary School,
at 1400 SW Randolph Avenue
(From a March 1983
letter from Florence Hahn to Tom Hahn: "So have had a walk. There is a
slight chill at times and sun goes under for a few minutes and then out. You
want a sweater on and turn the corner and want it off. You know how that
goes and I thot about one time in kindergarten r 1st grade. You didn't want
to wear a sweater to school in afternoon. It was one of those changeable
days in early spring, our first one, and you begged me to let you go without
and a norther wind came up in afternoon. and it was very cold, then you came
all sniffly and almost bawling you were so cold."
From grade cards: Kindergarten, school year 1932-1933, teacher Vivian Peak. Enrolled Sept
12th, 1932, school year 1932 to 1933

Grade 1B, second term, school year 1932-1933, teacher Eleanor R. Fyler
Grade 1A, first term, school year 1933-1934, teacher Myrtle Garrison Grade 2B, second term, 1933-1934, teacher Myrtle Garrison Grade 2A, first term, school year 1934-1935, teacher Myrtle Garrison Grade 3 B, term B, school year 1934-1935, teacher Florence M. Skinner Grade 3A, first term, school year 1935-1936, teacher Mabel R. Karr

Grade 4B, second term, school year 1935-1936, teacher Mabel R. Karr Grade 4A, second period, Oct. 26, 1936, teacher Frederica Moore "Tommie is
doing excellent work - even does extra work." Grade 5A, first period, school year 1936-1937, teacher June Henderson.
"Tommy is on of the most dependable ands courteous boys in the room."
Grade 5B, school year 1936-1937 Grade 6A, school year 1937-1938, teacher Esmet Granger. Grade 6B, date 11 March 1938, school year 1937-1938
The principal for this period was L. L. Kauffman.
 Tom in front of Randolph Elementary School in 1939 (Thomas Hahn Collection)
[Photo needs improving]

Dean "Tony" Beck's Birthday Party 1935? (Hahn Collection)
 Grade 3A, Randolph Elementary School, Topeka, Kansas, 1936. Back row
left-to-right: 1. Sonny Bunker?, 2. Franklin Allen?, 3. Barton Brown, ?, 4.? 5. Bobby Beecroft. (Thomas Hahn
 Grade 4B, Randolph Elementary School, Topeka, Kansas 1936. (First row,
left-to-right): 1? 2. Jimmy Pearson? 3. Tommy Hahn 4. Bobby Carnahan? 5.
Miles Mayo? 6.? 7.? 8.? ( Second row, left-to-right): 9. Jack Sargent 10.
Clayton Cline 11.? 12.? 13.? 14. Betty Rippey 15. Barton Brown 16.? 17.
Barton Brown?
(Third row, left-to-right): 19.? 20? 21? 22? 23. Allison Jones? 24.
Darwin Woodworth 25.? (Fourth row, left-to-right): 26 Dean Beck? 27.? 28?
Thomas Hahn Collection)

Whole Room, Grades 3A and 4B, Randolph Elementary School, Topeka, Kansas,
May 1936. Tommy second row, 4th from left. (If anyone out there can identify
any of the people in the above photographs, persons, I would appreciate
hearing from you. Tom Hahn (Thomas Hahn Collection)
Randolph Cub Pack (article from a Topeka newspaper in 1937): Scout
Organization Outlined at Meeting at Randolph School The Randolph Cub
Pack completed its organization Tuesday evening at a meeting held at the
Randolph school. The Pack has been in the process of organization for the
last two months, starting with a training course for the parents, the
selection of a Pack committee, and chiefs, who are older serving in
neighboring scout troops. The Randolph Pack organization is composed
of the following Den Dads serving as the Pack Committee: T. O. Hedrick, Gary
Bbeecroft, Dr. Ray Wooodworth, D. H. Leighton, Perry Pitcher, Rae Shrens,
Lendrum McEachron, R. E. Wise and Richard Barnett. The Den Mothers are: Mrs.
W. F. Hahn, Mrs. Devere Allen, Mrs. Robert Bunten, Mrs. C. W. Menninger,
Mrs. H. T. Davis, Mrs. Glenn Romig, Mrs. W. G. Walton, Mrs. Jack Ecord and
Mrs. J. Arthur Meyers.
Cub Scout Pack Members from an item in a Topeka newspaper in
Members: Ford Acker, Max Rae Ahrens, Franklin Allen, Willis Anton, Dick
Barnett, Dean [Tony] Beck, Robert[Bobby Beecroft, Keith Bossler, John C. Brier, Sonny
Bunker, Bobby Bunten, Douglas Coe, Ted Crane, Jack Davis, Ralph Davis, Donld
Decker, Clark Duncan, Jr., Jackie Ecord, Jack Fink, Billy Fisher, Bob
Fleming, Harrison Fraser, Phil Gilman, Norman Groves [Thomas] Tommy Hahn,
Donald Hedrick, Roy Lee Ijams, Jack Knowles, Oliver David Leighton, Dean
Albert McCall, Billy McCombs, Scott McEchron, Roy Menninger, Al Joe Miville,
Billy Moore, Tom Myers, Joel Nordeen, Jimmy Pearson, Tommy Pitcher, Richard
Pringle, William H. Richter, Richard Romig, John [Jack] Churchill Sargent,
Jr., John F. Schungel, John Simmonds, James EW. Sloan, Charles Robert
Smelter, Keith Tabor, Bill Walton, Bobby Ward, Thomas Luther Woodward,
Darwin Woodworth, Billy Wormington, Bobby Wormington.
The Randolph School building continues to function as an
elementary school and is now, of course integrated. During the Brown [versus
the Topeka, Kansas Board of Education], it was the white school cited as the
second possible attendance center for the following plaintiff's child: Lena
Carpenter's daughter, Catherine. [It is interesting to note that reports the following mixture of students among its 316
total.: Native American 12, Black 56, Hispanic 28, White 214. It is too bad
that I missed the diversity of students while attending this school.] Gone
from the front (north) side of the building ais the graveled walkway and the
beautiful cherry trees flanking the walkway.
Boswell Junior High School at SW
12th Street and Boswell Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 1938-1941: Tommy generally
rode his bicycle to Boswell Junior High School, about .9 mile a day, again
going home to lunch each day. The school building is no longer there. Junior
high was very important in forming wonderful friendships and experiencing
very good teachers. Tommy was the editor of the
Boswell Broadcaster and a cheer leader. Anyone having a group
photograph of the Graduation Class of 1941--I think it was--please contact
Tom Hahn
 Route from Home at 1120 High Avenue to Boswell Junior High School, at SW
12th and Boswell
 This image was obtained from the Kansas State Historical Society and is
used with their permission. (Hahn Collection)
1. Maxine Tiffany 2. Eleanor Coulton 3. Joyce
Frederick 4. Donna Talbot 5. Gloria Johnson 6. George
Trautwein 7. Bobby Qunley 8. Bill Ayres 9. Tommy Hahn 10.
Mahlon Bunch 11. Loren Westerdale 12. Betty Bramer 13.
Phyllis Duff 14. Bernice Steenson 15. Betty Rippey
16. Lou Don Minich 17. Phyllis McCord 18. Evelyn Jackson
19. Jean Burdette 20. Ford Ackers 21. Dick [Richard] Gross
22. Phil Gilman 23. Maxine Taggart 24. Willadene Davis 25.
Martha Rutter 26. Frances Bechtel 27. Dorothy Morris
28. Virginia Shrake 29. Norma Lee Collins 30. Jimmy
Pearson 31. Roland Robbins 32. Martin O'Connell 33.
Marjorie Billings 34. Esther Turvey (Home Room and Art Teacher)
35. Guy Robbins 36. Bill McFarland 37. Hervey Wright 38.
Jack Sergeant 39. Clayton Kline 40. Dean Beck 41.
Kathryn Mulligan 42. M. J. Whitson 43. Darwin Woodworth
44. Dale Rader 45. Edgar Matthews 46. Jimmy Bonebrake
47. Verlin Goodman 48. Bob Robison

Topeka Library Building on the Capitol Grounds. This
building was razed and a new library was built on West Tenth Street. The
Capitol is to the left. In the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s one could climb
stairs to the top of the building for magnificent views of the city. The
street car was used on the Eight Avenue line. In the background to the right
is the First Presbyterian Church where Tom Hahn attended meetings of Boy
Scout Troop 2.
High School,
1941-1944 Diploma: Tom sometimes walked, sometimes rode his
bike, sometimes took a bus, and sometimes caught a ride with the good Wilcox
neighbors behind to Topeka High School some 1.42 miles nearly two
miles away. Patty Wilcox was in my 1944 Graduating Class. Topeka High School
was, and remains, one of the most beautiful high schools in the country.
Being a mid-termer, that is, one who began school in January rather than
September, he took extra courses each term and one summer course in order to
finish high school in two-and-a-half years. On 10 October 2004, over
60 years after graduation, Tom was inducted into the Topeka High School Hall
of Fame.

Designed by Topeka Architect Thomas W. Williamson, Topeka
High School was completed in 1931 at a cost of more than $1 million. Today
it is one of the city's most distinguished landmarks. The mast spar from
"Old Ironsides" can be seen on the east lawn of the school. Visitors are
welcome on school days.
 Route from Home at 1220 SW High Avenue to Topeka High School at 800 SW
10th Avenue
 Tommy Hahn, Sophomore Topeka High School, May 1942 (Thomas Hahn Collection)

Caption reads: After all, Tommy, "It's only liquid air!" (1944
Sunflower -- Topeka High School Year Book
The courses Tom
Hahn took in high school were geared toward entering college. With
this in mind, Tom took advantage of an academic scholarship to attend the
University of Kansas, at Lawrence, about 25 miles from Topeka. During his
one term there, he lived at the Battenfeld Hall scholarship hall on
Louisiana Avenue. During World War II, most colleges and universities were
on a tri-semester system. Accordingly, Tom was at KU from July until October
in the College of Engineering as an aspiring Chemical Engineer. The term was
busy with working for coach Fogg Allen, working at the scholarship hall,
being in the symphony orchestra and the band, and being on the track team,
and being an active member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity and the Phi Mu
Alpha Music Fraternity, being a member of a Methodist Church choir, going to
Topeka on some weekends, and generally engaged on university activities. All
this came to a short end when Tom enlisted in the United States Navy at
Kansas City, Missouri on 6 October. He was subsequently was sent to Memphis,
Tennessee on 22 October. For most of his life, Tom tried to piece together
an education, taken advantage of opportunities as they arose, but it was not
always easy due to work situations in the navy. His motto regarding
education was, and remains, Vek yzhi, vek ychi ) Russian saying: Live a
hundred years, learn a hundred years. Only twenty-two years to go!
Tommy Hahn, Senior Photo, Topeka High School, taken November 1943 (Hahn
 Tom with Topeka High School Shirt 1943 (Thomas Hahn Collection)
 (left to right) Topeka High School Buddies Bob Beine, Dean "Tony"
Beck, Tommy Hahn (Thomas Hahn Collection)

High School Buddy Scott Briar with his First
Wife, Eleanor Whipple, Topeka, Kansas c1947 (Hahn Collection)
 Topeka High School Hall of Fame Induction, October 2004
University of Kansas,
1944, School of Engineering, Lawrence, Kansas, Extension Course 1945:
 Tom Preparing to Return to the University of Kansas from his Home in
Topeka in September 1944 (Thomas Hahn Collection)
 The Memorial Carillon and Campanile, a monument to the 276 KU men and women
who died in World War II, was formally dedicated atop Mount Oread on 27 May

Delta Tau Delta Fraternity House at the University of Kansas,
111 West 11th, Lawrence, Kansas

The Delta Tau Delta Fraternity at the University of Kansas,
Southern Methodist University, and the University of Texas, provided useful
social activities and friends and acquaintances.
Southern Methodist University, 1945, School of
Engineering, Dallas, Texas:
 Southern Methodist
University, Dallas Hall to the back, right.

Atkins Hall. I think our room was on the second floor, left
(west) wing)
University of Texas, Austin, Texas,
1945-1948, Arts and Sciences, Pre-Medicine, Bachelor of Arts
(Psychology) minors in chemistry and naval science:

Tom at the University of Texas

Tom Hahn, University of Texas, Austin, Texas (Hahn Collection)

Tom Hahn at a University of Texas Football Game at Austin,
Texas c1946 (Hahn Collection)
View of University of Texas Administration Building and Tower. The
tower was the home of a massacre several years later. The lights in
the tower glowed orange after victories by the Texas Longhorn
Football Team (Thomas Hahn Collection)
the University of Texas Yearbook 1947/1948 "Tom Hahn tied the intramural
50-yard dash record." (Hahn Collection)

Delta Tau Delta Track Team Intramural Co-Champions (University of Texas Yearbook) 1947/1948.
Left-to-right: Front row: H. K. Allen, Franklin Pigg, Tommy Hahn, T. A. Outlaw, Fred
Werkenthin. Bud Higgs, Winston Manry, John Evans, Vilbry White, Pinky Quarles, Max
Werkenthin, Ballard George. (Hahn Collection)
 Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 1948 (Thomas
Hahn Collection)

Tom Hahn with Walt and Florence Hahn at the University of
Texas. I am not sure whether this was when they visited when I was
discharged from the Navy in 1946 or in 1948 when I graduated from the
University of Texas. (Hahn Collection)

Tom Hahn at Barton Spring, Austin, Texas about 1947 (Hahn

Tom Hahn and Clement C. "Sonny" Gibbs, Room Mates at the
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, University of Texas and both from Topeka, Kansas
(Hahn Collection)

Tom Hahn with Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Brothers at the
University of Texas. I will identify some of them later. (Hahn Collection)

Tom Hahn University of
Texas ID Athletic ID Card, 1947-1948 (Hahn Collection)
Yale University, Graduate School, Institute of Far Eastern
Languages--Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese 1956-1957, New Haven,
Connecticut, Diploma in Mandarin Chinese.

Letter of Introduction from the Director of the Institute of
Far Easter Languages, Yale University to "Y-CY" on Graduation from Yale in
1957. Somehow I forgot that I had the letter and never used it when I went
to the Republic of China later that year on a navy assignment to the Taiwan
Defense Command at Taipei. Probably a missed opportunity.
I mailed you a letter last month. I do
not know whether you have received it or not. How are you and Mrs. Han? I
hope you let me know soon. Congratulations! Your father is the Governor of Taiwan. Presently one of
my students, Naval Lieutenant Hahn is ordered to go to Taiwan. He has good
school grades and is very interested in learning anything about China. He
is also very nice to the Chinese people. This letter serves the
introduction of him with whom you might like to talk. Perhaps he might
need some help during his stay in Taiwan. I would highly appreciate it if
[of] any help you might give to him.
Sincerely, Lee Bao 9/27
George Washington University, 1948-1949, Graduate
School, Psychology, Washington, District of Columbia.
American University, Graduate School, 1950,
Psychology, Washington, D.C.
University of Maryland (Republic of China Branch,
Taipei), 1957-1958, Arts & Sciences, French.
University of Maine at Winter Harbor, Maine, 1968, Arts & Sciences,
Sociology. Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Industrial Archaeology Institute, Troy, New York, Summer
1973. University of Vermont, History, Industrial Archaeology
Institute, Burlington, Vermont, Summer 1977.

Shepherd College. Bachelor of Arts (History),
Shepherdstown, Jefferson County, West Virginia 1976-1978

Goddard College, Master of Arts (Industrial Psychology), Plainfield,
Vermont, 1977-1978.

West Virginia University, School of Education, Social
Studies in Secondary Education, Master of Arts, Morgantown, West
Virginia, 1977-1979. West
Virginia University, Interdisciplinary Studies (History, History of Science
and Technology, Industrial Archaeology, Curriculum and Instruction in Social
Studies), Doctor of Education,
Shepherd College, courses in Geography and Computer
Science 1984-1994; Jefferson County (WV) Board of Education, Computer
Science courses, 1994-1995.